Sunday, February 18, 2007

Hey! Wow I haven't posted on here in a looonnng time. Mainly because my computer has been acting goofy and I had to join a google log-in upgrade for this blog. Pretty much the same old stuff going on right now. Still working p/t and looking for a job. There has been a little bit of progress, but nothings been into full swing yet. It's been snowing for about a week here and it looks so pretty! On Wednesday I snowblowed (for the first time) part of the driveway while my neighbor did the other half. After that I ran around in the snow for a little bit and went on my swing in the back that has been there since the end of summer. That was the first time I'd been on it! haha. I love tramping through the deep snow. I miss making tunnels and snowmen with my lil neighborhood buddies. Fun times! This time the snow wasn't quite right to make anything, but good for walking through. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a huge fan of driving in it and cleaning off my windshield every morning. That is NOT FUN! You do what you gotta do.
Last night I babysat for two little girls and everything was fine until bedtime. The younger girl is 2 and had a fit because I was supposed to put her diaper on for nighttime. She wears pull-ups normally, but did not want a diaper on. She was laying on the floor kicking and crying. I was frustrated but then (in my head) I thought it was hysterical. To me, I don't see a difference btw a diaper & a pull-up but in the eyes of a two-year-old, there is. So guess who won? Yup the 2 yr old. (Great story about diapers, huh?) The people I babysat for got the new Wii and I played that. It's fun! You can bowl, play tennis, box, baseball and golf. For a person who's not really into video games, oooo this is fun!! Got home really late, but it was worth it.
This past weekend I had a fun time hanging out with my friends whom I never see anymore. My friend Amanda moved back and Bethany came home for a visit. It's so sad when you get older not being able to hang out with close friends anymore, but I'm happy for the times that I do!
I'll try to post more stuff now that I got this to work. ttyl


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