Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Today I went to Vermilion with my parents. It was fun going to the Soda Grill for lunch. Ok...I ate a Peanut Butter (melted) Veggie Burger. Before you start gagging...the PB burger was on the menu but I switched it to the veggie one. The lady said the PB burger was popular around Elvis' time so...I love PB and thought I'd try it. It was kinda strange. I ate most of it. Wouldn't get it again. eek...Went to antique shops..got 2 mini glass cups that are etched and later we got ice cream. Then tonight I worked 5-9 45.

Ok this is what I wanted to post: Customer Comments from these past 2 days. Here I go:
Yesterday I was in the fitting room and I knocked on a lady's door to see how she was doing. She replied from behind the closed door by saying, "Oh, is that the little girl who's out there?"
Me: "Yes, it's the little girl. Is everything working out for you?".......It's so nice to know exactly how people perceive you and what's on their mind. Yes I am a 'little girl,' and all, but I'd never say that to a SALES ASSOCIATE! Come on now! Oh well..luckily for her I'm nice and just 'rolled with it.'

Customers #2 & #3: Outside the fitting room in men's
There's two guys shopping together and they were having fun being out together looking around. Guy #1 goes in to try on some jeans. He comes out in them and asks me, "Do I look sexy in these?"
Me:" um..(my face was probably red by now)..they look like they fit you well. They're a good length and they look good."
Guy #1: Well you're in H.S., right?
Guy#1: College?
Me: "No, I graduated college."
Guy #1:"Well see you're still hip." Guy #2:'You'll be glad when you're 45 and looking young."
(Later the 2 guys mentioned they were cousins so i guess I wouldn't be confused to think otherwise. hahha).

Lady today in Kids: "Are you married?" (I wear 3 rings on my ring finger that all go together).
Me: "No."
Lady: "Oh, because you're soooo young. I was gonna say are you in H.S.?"
Me: "No, I'm 22 and I graduated college."
Yea, she was shocked!

I'm never going to win.....*sigh* Yes people I know I'll appreciate me looking like a 10th grader when I'm 45 but NOT NOW so please don't say anything to me! Ay yi yi!


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