Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Wow I haven't posted in awhile. Let's see here...went to Michigan for Thanksgiving and had a lovely time relaxing with family. We watched movies (Mission Impossible 3, The Christmas Story, Cars, Garfield, and the parade). I told Uncle Rob I wanted to do some crafts b/c when I was younger I'd always do a craft with Aunt Peg, so he went out and bought a loom to make those potholders. Made a potholder then the next night was Creepy Crawler night. Wow I made a lot of bugs ahahaha. It made me sad that I sold my Creepy Crawler machine on ebay. I miss it now, but then I realized that I truly do not have the time to make bugs and I really don't need bugs, so I probably have enough to last me for quite some time now. On Friday we went shopping on "Black Friday" and that was fun. Altogether it was a relaxing little vacation.

Ok so on Monday I went back to work and had a dad with his 2 daughters come in. He came in asking for "chubalicious" jeans and/or "chubawaba jeans" as his daughters kept on saying. Now this man was not chubby as he was saying he was but it was sooooooo funny how he kept describing the type of jeans he wanted. I asked him the normal questions on how he wanted them to fit and did find him a pair. Before going in the dressing room, the 2 girls saw a red plaid shirt and kept calling it a 'lumberjack' shirt. We came came up with this great idea for a picture which could turn into a commerical. The 12 yr old said they needed a saw etc..Anyways my point is...that some customers that come in the store are sooooooooo much fun and make my day while others are so grumpy etc. They were fun and kept me laughing. Good times! Then today...gotta love it when the stealers are scouting outside the door when they walk by. No they're not suspecious at all staring/glaring at your store. One guy even waved to my friend in the baby store. They're so dumb.

Today I got a mini trampoline sooooo since I can't have a huge one, I'll enjoy my mini one. yey! ;)


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