Thursday, August 25, 2005

Today I went to the dentist, and NO CAVITIES once again! yeah!!! So happy. Didn't really enjoy all the pricking and poking in my poor gums, but I made it through. The parents left for Amish Country today and so when I came home I cleaned off the table and rearranged some stuff. Ate lunch (had a strawberry shortcake....MMM delicious!) and got ready for work. I worked 5-9 mainly in Kids. Once again we had our lovely "friends" who "bought" some stuff. They "returned" some adult stuff and "bought" kids stuff. GRR. Not sure if they got it from our store or not. Then another couple brought in a bag of stuff without a receipt (surprise, surprise) and was really shopping. Well when it came time to do the return, my manager Juli asked for a picture ID which is standard w/out a receipt and the guy didn't have one. BWHWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAHHAHA . All that hard work FOR NOTHING. Showed him! Well he will know for next time tho. You could tell he was mad. Juli said she could put the stuff on hold for him to come back tomorrow. lol Well one fraudulent return was prevented. Anyways....we got some new stuff in women's and the sweaters are REALLy cute...expensive tho...I'm going to have to wait. I can't keep spending all of my money on clothes. Then I came home and called & talked to Don for a little bit. He's doing good in Missouri. They started classes already. Mine are coming sadly ....ugh.... Watched a little bit of Prime Time and came online. Well I should be going to bed here pretty soon! later~*~


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