Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Hey I thought I should probably update this since I haven't in a week! Last week wasn't too interesting. All week I worked and went to school as usual. It was pretty crazy at work over the weekend b/c of the holiday etc. On Friday I had my classes as usual. Ate with Salim and Yonn and my old friend, Matt from high school (spanish class to be exact) stopped by to say hi. I hadn't seen him in awhile. I always love seeing people I went to high school with. Well at least the ones I was friends with hahaha. It's fun to catch up! After work my friend and I (from work) went to Aveda salon across the street b/c they gave out these coupons for an open house from 6-9 and it was good for $10 a purchase. They had little stations set up so Jean and I saw the hot rocks (lava rocks) demo, got our arms massaged, some hair tips, and a lil makeup done. Oh I tried a piece of shrimp for the 1st time...it was pretty good I guess. Jean's like dip it in the sauce and don't eat the tail. I'm like 'ok!' We were there for like 1 1/2 b/c of all the people coming in. I got some eye shadow for like $1.83 with the coupon! haha they were probably like 'cheapscape!' oh well!! Jean and I had fun. Then I went home, ate some homemade mac & cheese, then went to some antique shops that were open late with the rents. I bought a couple of things. We went into this one old barn and it was freeezzingg. You could see your breath in it the entire time we were there. I didn't enjoy that. The rest of it was fun and at one place we saw my dad's cousin and his wife so that was cool.
Saturday - usual shift....man there were people EVERYWHERE!~ I kept on having to say 'excuse me' every time I went to the back b/c they were all in the aisles. It was sooo tired out by the time 4 came it wasn't even funny. I worked in all 3 stores and the lines were so long. Most of the people were nice tho which helped! After work I ran to Marc's and got a few things. Came home and watched a couple episodes of Smallville and just chilled at my house.
Sunday- brushed off like 6 inches of snow from my car before church which made me 10 minutes late for Sunday School...grr...Then for church we had a previous Brown's coach talk and he was really really good. He told a lot of jokes, but also had a good message. I enjoyed hearing him talk. Afterwards I came home, ate, worked on hw, and babysat from 6-11:30 for a co-worker of mine b/c she and her husband went to the Aerosmith concert. I babysat for Hunter (6) and Nick (almost 4). They're really cute and fun lil guys. We ate pizza, watched a lil part of a dvd, played in the basement with their 6-in-1 sports game thing, played with their robotic toy thing, and train set. oh yea we also played a lil hide and seek. Fun times!!
Monday- school & work...
Today/Tuesday...school and work again. Yeah so after class (int'l bus) I go up ahead of some other ppl (in the elevator) to my professor's office to see what I got on a couple of essays I wrote. The other ppl took the 4 flights of stairs and were all huffing and puffing. It was pretty funny to hear all of them panting. Anyways...so he didn't know where he put my paper or other ppl's. He's so disorganized. My friend Matt says not to worry b/c some of his friends have had this teacher before and got a B in the class even if they didn't do so well on the tests. Yeah I hope he's right! eeekkkkk!!! This teacher is the weirdest grader I tell ya...oh well...who knows what I'll get in there.
That's about it! More to come....hehehe


At 10:02 PM , Blogger Lori said...

we got that snow too. i shoveled and sprained my wrist. thats the last time i do that!

glad to hear things are good....winding down school wise and gearing up for christmas with work. it sure is easy to get too busy this time of year.

At 6:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like a busy week, but a fun one.


At 3:50 PM , Blogger Elizabeth said...

awww...how's your wrist? that doesn't sound too good. :( stupid snow lol


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