Thursday, September 01, 2005

Elizabeth Saves the Day (of a turtle at least)
Today Elizabeth S. picked me up for school and we went to our International Business class. Our teacher is still hilarous. He was reading off some more crook jokes and "Bushisms" of some sayings President Bush has said in the past that were funny. We had to interview a student from another country, so luckily my friend helped me out who is from Germany. She emailed me some info. Then I found out there are a few people from other countries in my class: Sweden, Vietnam, Africa, Saudi Arabia, and a guy who lived in Germany for 2 1/2 years. I think that's pretty cool! Then came home and ate some lunch. I've been helping my parents with their new flip cell phones b/c they don't know how to work them. It's kinda funny, but fun playing with their phones. So then my dad and I left to go to the mall and Circuit City b/c I wanted a new pic phone, so I had to call a few surrounding stores to locate it b/c the stupid guy at Verizon in N.O. was NO HELP at all. We went to the Verizon store yesterday and that's when my parent's got their phones. Well I was expecting to get one too..different from theirs, but the guy is like "oh it's discontinued." So he did check to see if any were in the back, but then I'm like could you check any other stores, online?? HE said no or not really anything. At that point I was so stinking mad! So then I'm like do u sell the displays? He said no. So ugh....he gets a D+ for customer service. He wasn't that friendly, wasn't offering me any help on finding the phone I wanted, and didn't tell all the new plan info to my parents. So needless to say, I did find the phone on my own. He probably was thinking what's this little girl telling me what to do but oh whatever. Im standing up for myself and he wasn't giving me the customer service I deserved. Anyways....back to my dad and I went a different route to the mall and I crossed the railroad tracks and then I saw one car go over a turtle in the middle of the road then I really had no choice but to go over him too. Well luckily there was a place to turn off into, so just not really thinking, I did, and turned off my car, hopped out , grabbed my keys, ran over to the poor little guy who looked lost, and picked him up. When I bent down, he gave me a "hiss" and then his head and legs disappeared inside his shell. He was a red slider and I just picked him up and carried him over the tracks to a sorta field like place. There was some sorta creek/water nearby, so I put him kinda close to that, far from the road. There were pricker bushes everywhere, but I was okay..kinda itched. Anyways...I rescued the poor little guy. I didn't want him to get ran over!!! Then I cleaned my hand w/my Purell :). We went on our way to Circuit City and I got my new samsung phone. It took forever to get it to program tho...ugh..but I ran into a friend from high school and we chatted for a little while which was nice. Went to a camera store, came home, played w/phone, read some, ate, read, walked, and read some more.
Yesterday I had school, then I met a friend from LCCC at Caribou and we talked for almost an hour 1/2. She's going to OSU soon, but it was fun catching up on things. We really weren't that close, but she's a peppy, fun girl and I had fun. Then church and I came home.
Talk to you later!


At 10:46 PM , Blogger Lori said...

way to go for saving the turtle!! i have done that before too. you just feel bad for them because they are soo slow!!

cool you got new phone! can you send adn take pictures? do your parents have picture phones as well?

i am glad school is going well. i am sure your making even more friends now!


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