Friday, October 28, 2005

The Terrible, Horrible, No Good Day (well it was yesterday actually) WARNING LONG STORY!!

So yesterday the morning went really well. Elizabeth picked me up and we went to our one morning class. I came back home and went online to check email, called some possible contacts for my internships, and ate lunch. Well I left my house around 1:30 to leave for work. I was on Center Ridge Road in Westlake and approaching the intersection at Crocker. Well there were I think 2 boys in a black sedan (I have no idea what kind of car they were driving) and I wasn't really looking at them, but the next thing I see is this bottle filled with red juice flying at my "head" well car. The driver threw the bottle right at my car and the bottle hit my driver's side mirror. It didn't knock the entire mirror holder off, but the actual mirror landed smack dab in the middle of the road. Plus there was red juice all splattered over my drivers side window and side of the car. I was totally shocked and really mad at that point. I called my mom right away and then decided to turn around to get the mirror and part of the bottle. It was just a cup practically, but from all the force it knocked the mirror off. I was sorta freakin out, but I made it to work quite upset. I ran into a co-worker and told her what happened then went inside & told my managers. They let me call the Westlake police to report the incident but then they told me to come down later to file the report so I did after work.
I told my mom I just knew I'd get a crazy/looney/crappy customer that day to make the matters worse. Well lo and behold - I DID! OK
so this lady and her boy who was probably less than 2 comes in. I greet them and say my little spiel letting her know the promos. First thing she says to me is, "Oh I don't buy sales. I buy what I like." I was like ok..this is how it's going to be...yeah thanks...I can't wait! She asked for candy right away and we didn't tell her we had chocolates...So she's looking around and her kid is crying. I think when she came in she was saying something about people calling the police on her or she was going to call the police on her little boy for some reason. I can't remember. I was thinking, "honey I got their number right in my back pocket. I'll call them on you myself." She comes up to me and asks, "can you watch him so I can go get his bottle in the car?" I was hesitant and said no b/c I have to take care of the customers and I just really can't watch him. The psycho lady goes to the other lady I'm working with and asks her if she can watch her child, and she says no b/c we just can't and aren't responsible for the kids. The psycho is desperate and asks the 2 other female customers in the store (who already have 2 very young children w/them) to watch her boy and they agree. Oh my goodness! So many things could happen with her gone leaving her kid! Luckily the lady did indeed come back and continued shopping. When she came back she had forgotten where she'd put her sweater and pants. She's like did u pick it up and put it away? I said no I didn't touch anything or see it. She's shopping some more and asks for different sizes. I offer her options..of course she doesn't like them and has some excuse b/c she's all high and mighty. Her poor child is crying most of this time. Psycho discovers the magnet table next door in Kids. Drops her kid off there and comes back to baby. No adult supervision watching her child whatsoever. She complains to me that "oh how dare they not play with my boy over there. They aren't busy like you. I can't believe this. I drove all the way from Stow and I get treated like this?" That was her famous line for the day:"I drove all the way from Stow to spend all my money" ...then whatever complaint she had she added to that sentence. So she's shopping and I'm helping her..she thanks me blah blah blah...doesn't like what I'm picking out for her..didn't think she would..and she heads back to find her seemed like probably 15 minutes later. And oh can she find him? OH of course not! So a customer pokes her head into baby," have u seen a little boy?" Um no...So psycho did find her lost little boy...somewhere in kids i think. poor kid I tell ya! I think she's pretty much done by then. OH well I help her find some cords and head up to the counter.

She was debating between 2 pairs of pants I thought. I honestly didn't think she was done. Well she was I came to find out. There was another NICE (I'm not being sarcastic here) customer who was really normal. She only had like 2 items. I asked PsYcHo if I could ring up the nice lady and she flipped out on me. "HOW DARE YOU ASK IF U CAN RING HER UP? YOU'VE BEEN HELPING ME FOR THE PAST __ MINUTES AND I DESERVE YOUR FULL ATTENTION. SHE'S NOT GOING BEFORE ME." I was like WHOA lady! So the nice lady said something like, " lady you need to calm down or get a grip on things." Then PsYcHo called nice lady the b-word and pretty much threatened her. So nice lady went to kids to get rung up and Psycho was going to let nice lady go ahead of but she went to kids instead. Probably to get away! I did ring psycho up and she said," you know what u did was wrong, right?" I was like no it wasn't. She went on like I know you're young and you have much to learn..etc. I was like whatever lady. I'm older than you think. I told her I didn't think what I did was wrong b/c other people don't have a problem with it. She threatened she was going to return all the stuff she was buying. I straight up said, "why are you buying it then?" She said she wanted another store to get credit for it...Ok??? ..sure go RIGHT ahead lady from STOW! During the payment time..she tried a coat on her kid and was laying him on the floor getting it all dirty and wanted me to locate the size she was trying on him at another store so she could get it there. That was a whole huge deal...eventually she did leave and just couldn't believe how she was treated there. Oh yea we were so horrible to her...helping her that is. At one point when I went to get another pair of cords for her I almost lost it from the day I was having. I was thinking, yea I don't know what she'll be thinking with a crying kid and a crying sales associate so I remembered what Michelle told me...deep breath..deep breath and I finished ringing her out. I just wanted her to leave!!! Finally she did! I really think she was bipolar.
She acted all high and mighty or whatever and she wasn't dressed the part-like she didn't look like she had all the money in the world to spend like she said she was. Her hair was pretty frumpy and everywhere...just not dressed like other Crocker people. I'm not saying that I care..just she was contradicting her actions and words...WHAT AN EXPERIENCE I TELL YA!!! WHEW....
I was so glad to go home after that! I was worn out!
Today was a lot better. My friend Yonn had to bring her lil guy Jaylen (14 mo) to school b/c the babysitter was sick. He's soo cute and behaved so well in class. My gender teacher even brought him in the front of the class and was holding him and talking to him. He just looked around. He later went to sleep after his bottle and only made 2 sounds the whole time. :)
Better start on some school work..yey..yuck...


At 10:35 PM , Blogger Lori said... really did have a bad day! can you fix your mirror or will you have to take it in to somewhere to fix it?

i bet that lady was on drugs....she could have gone and gotten the bottle and taken that kid with her....really to expect someone..or trust a stranger to watch your child! that alone tells me she is crazy...that poor little boy...he is in danger.

glad you made it through the day with a smile still. hope that never happens again or you can just excuse yourself and say to your manager that your being harrassed by a customer and let her handle her.

later girlie

At 3:05 PM , Blogger Elizabeth said...

yea my dad ordered a new mirror unit for my car but it has to be painted. Even tho the whole unit didn't fall off, a whole new unit has to be put on.
About that lady though..I don't know about her. Michelle, who I was working with reminded me on Sat that when the lady was coming in she was telling her son she should have left him in the car but if she would have, someone would probably call the police on her. That's why she was talking about the police. I know something is wrong with that lady and Michelle said she had seen her before! THat totally shocked me! I hope she never comes back and yes you're right: he's in danger..poor little guy.


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