Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Wise words from Dr. Ivan Vernon (age 65 I think)...International Business teacher: What we learned in class today:
Ways to get out of being a modern/metro man in 2005:
1. Laundry: Here's what you do. You find your wife's favorite dark most expensive shirt, mix it with the whites so you mess the whole load up. Then your wife gets mad and you apologize profusely saying you'll never do it again and offer to do laundry again. She let's you do it one more time. You do it right. She's happy. So you find another shirt...her favorite one that is like $70-80, mix it with lights, apologize again and again. Buy her the exact same one and take her out to dinner. You'll never have to do laundry again. You'll offer - she'll say "NOOO! I'll do it from now on." You're off the hook.
2. Dishes: You know the china everyone gets when they get married? Well when you're doing dishes after dinner, accidently "break" her biggest platter. She'll get really upset, and you'll never do dishes again.
3. Vacuuming: My teacher was telling about his wife's cats which he hates. You chase the cates around with the vacuum, they run and hide under the furniture. You ram into the furniture with the vacuum. His wife asked what was going on and my teacher said, "oh nothing honey. The cat's like it." (yeah as they are scared to death!) His wife notices the scratched up furniture feet- no more vacuuming for the husband.
4. Sheets/Making the bed: The bottom sheet with the elastic on the bottom, place it on the bed so when you are moving, the elastic comes off and you get entangled all in the sheets. No more making the bed.
Yes the things we learn in international business. Now if I could only remember the stuff I need to remember for my classes that'd be great!

The rest of my day.....went to work from 12:30-5...seemed like a long 4.5 hours. Had a lovely lady come into Baby (the 20 minutes I was in there) and yell at me. She returned all this stuff..probably 10-15 units, then wanted me to call another store to find it all in another size when we were so busy at the moment. She was on her lunch break and in a hurry. SORRY lady, the world doesn't revolve only around you!! UGH so then I do the return, she walks away as I'm doing it to look around. I finish up, go to her on the floor, give her the receipt and then she wants me to help her find stuff. Well there's like 3-4 people waiting in line while my other co-worker is ringing. I helped her reluctantly and then was heading back to the register and she's like 'here i'm done. Ring me up.' I tell her, there are other ppl in line before her and I have to ring them up. She's like 'no.' You are helping me. You ring me up. I repeat myself. She says the same thing. I think it went on like 3 times. She thrusts her credit card in my face with her stupid stuff and I stomp off to the registers. I dont look at her and just ring. I eventually had to talk to the butthead, but then she kept bugging me about calling the other store and she'll check back...blah blah blah. I'm like if I have time...SHe's pretty much like "do it." WHATEVER. So i ring her up, the next lady in line comes and I just roll my eyes. She said something, but was understanding. The ppl in the store were sorta complaining about her. Ugh it's so hard to keep your cool. I hate getting yelled at ...well I know no one does, but I felt so defenseless b/c I can't "do" anything. So of course i had to give into the goathead but oh well. The other NICE customers made up for it.
I came home, and actually made my first casserole/dinner today!! I'm so excited! It turned out really well. I made cheesy tuna noodle casserole. MMM soo good. Then I watched Gilmore Girls and went online.


At 4:20 PM , Blogger Lori said...

those bossy ones will always do that to make you feel small. and the sad thing is...no one will ever step up to them and they know it. i would have been frustrated too.

way to go on the casserole!! was it good?

At 5:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good advice! I will have to use it in the future.

At 10:07 PM , Blogger Elizabeth said...

Lori- yeah...she really got to me, then later of course I let it go b/c it was no use keeping it inside. OH my goodness I loved the casserole!! MMMM I ate it twice...ahhhh tasty!! :)

Donatello- HAAA Don't use that advice!! VERY BAD!!!


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