I don't even know where to begin! Sorry for the long awaited update. I partly blame it on my computer since it was out of use for like 2 weeks. Now it's just slow b/c we need a new modem. Whoopie.
Not too much going on these days. Still working and trying to find a job. It really stinks (to me) after you graduate. You don't get to see your friends as much as you like, lose contact with them, struggle to find a job you feel you're not qualified for yet b/c lack of experience, have a brain that wants to learn more, but is just stuck with the same old things. Yea I could take more classes, but um that costs money! grrrr! I guess I'm just having a pitty party for myself lol. oh well. Just a few of my frustrations lately.
We did get snow today which was sorta exciting to awake to. It was very pretty driving to work today through a woodsy part. I enjoyed that.
Things at work are different now b/c of new management. There's nothing wrong with it, but its just not the same which is frustrating at times. Luckily I still have some friends left there. Seems like everyone is leaving b/c of availability reasons.
Oh my best friend Elizabeth got married to Eric on Jan 6 and hopefully I can post some pics! That was a fun day! :) (sorry my blog is so scatterbrained!)
Hi! I have a Communication degree from Cleveland State. I love spending time with my friends doing various activities: white water rafting, going to the beach, shopping, listening to music, watching movies, and whatever other things we come up with to do!