Saturday, December 24, 2005

Happy Merry Christmas Eve everyone who reads my lil blog! Since last Saturday I've been going nonstop between work and hanging out with friends. Saturday night I went to a friend's house (who i met at LCCC) for a Christmas party. Kelly was sorta combing her b-day with a Christmas party. Last Sunday one of my bestest friends, Elizabeth graduated from Cleveland State with her bachelor's degree in Marketing. It was a long ceremony, but afterwards her family took me, her boyfriend, his family and another of Eliz's friend out to eat at a place called Bahama Breeze. The food was delicious! I got bbq chicken, garlic mashed potatoes, and broccoli. For dessert almost everyone got this banana bread with ice cream covered in butterscotch. MMMmmm. Then at night I went to my friend Julie's house with some ppl from church and we hung out, watched the movie "Elf" and played UNO.
Monday I worked then went to Ladies Workout Express afterwards to go over some things for my marketing internship there with Lindsay. I stayed till 7:30, then met with my 2 other best friends at Panera to give them their b-day presents. Afterwards we went to Old Navy.
Tuesday I worked again, came home & made gingerbread cookies for my sunday school class Christmas party which was at the church. My friend from school, Yonn met me there which was cool. I was so happy she could make it! She brought my present and I got a bath set with lotion, face mud (?), a nail brush, and bath salts, an "E" notepad, and a glass which she painted my name on it with sparkly stars. Very cute! Then we did a white elephant gift exchange, ate, and went on a kinda hunt for bigger and better things that we could get from 12 forks. I left around 10 b/c I was exhausted.
Wednesday -guess-work..haha then I had to run out to the mall to find some things for friends. Went to youth later and was glad to see some friends who came home from college. Afterwards, Julie, Melissa and i went to Caribou Coffee and chatted. Then Julie and I went to Matt E's to hang out with others to watch youth group videos.
Thursday=work then afterwards I actually came home!! I cleaned my room for Christmas and it looks great right now! Let's see how long that lasts, ok? Talked to my friend for awhile then finished up.
Friday= slept in, cleaned up the house a lil, worked 1-6 (I was mostly in Kids/Babyland this week) and went to the Christmas Eve Eve service at church. It was nice and cool seeing all of the candles lit with the lights out. Afterwards my mom and I went to the Schlak's house for the best ham rolls ever. I love those ham rolls! THEY are delicious b/c they are homemade. Plus there were was German potatoe salad....mmm and other goodies. I played "Sorry" with Leslie, Dan, & Paulie (their cousin).
Saturday (today) worked in Babyland from 10-3 but it seemed kinda like a long day. There were good customers and bad. One man came in and is like, "I'm shopping for 2 sets of twins. Both girls." Valerie and I had tons of fun picking stuff out b/c he liked whatever we chose. I love those moments. Shopping with other people's money. That makes my day! Then on the other hand, the BIPOLAR/PSYCHO LADY (from Stow) from downunder came in. Refer to blog entry October 28; the day my car got hit from the stupid kids and the crazy lady who came in with her poor son. Yes she came into our store on christmas eve. I could not believe it. This weird feeling overcame me. I think I probably froze. Which is unusual for me. Luckily like 2 min after I saw her, in walks Juliette. Phew. She already knew the story so I was happy I could talk to her instead of psycho. So I just ignored psycho and let Valerie deal with her b/c I knew I couldn't without blowing up in her face. You say "Lil Eliz blowing up?" Um yea I'm sure I could have at her. So at one point I had to walk past her and say "excuse me." Well she said, "oh you're here. I remember you unfortunately." Yes those words came out of her mouth. I said (loud enough for her to hear) "Thanks" with a nice sarcastic remark. I guess she responded with " that wasn't meant to be a compliment" but I didn't hear her.That's just what Valerie said. Um yea lady I knew you definitely weren't complimenting me! I just was like WHOA THERE BUDDY. She didn't completely freak out this time and Valerie told me psycho told her she was very nice and helpful. heheeh I told Valerie I was glad for her. :) lol When PSYCHO was walking out she was saying (of course loud enough to hear) 'aiden (her lil boy) at least we had a nice experience this time' and other stuff. I was just like hmm..yeah u need help. Then later another customer came up with attitude but i just brushed her off and rolled my eyes inside. :) Merry Christmas to you too lady...oh well . The nice ppl out weigh the mean ones.
Dinner is ready so I must go. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

I have a lot I need to post. Here's one post I've been wanting to put up since Tuesday I think:

Pet Peeves about working at GAP and some advice

1. Never go shopping in a hurry. There are other people shopping and we try our best to accomodate to you, but sometimes it's hard to do!
2. When you receive a coupon at a store after a purchase, 99% of the time when does a store let you redeem it that day? We don't care if you don't want to buy what you just picked out because you can't use your little coupon right now just as you get it.
3. Why do people swipe their credit card before you ring up their merchandise? I have heard that some stores let you do that, but I still don't know why they think people can pay for something before us even ringing it up?
4. Read your billing statement before coming in and getting upset about not being able to pay it in the store. It says right on there 'we currently do not accept payments in the store.'
5. Can people be any more demanding during the holidays? shesh!
6. Kinda like #1, don't be in such a rush when checking out. It makes us nervous and you look like a psycho.
7. When you see a bakers rack (or a rack) full of clothes with the same items on the floor, there aren't any specials on there or anything. Please ask before shopping from it!
8. No we are not free babysitters for your kids.
9. We just love it when our "friends" come in.
10. We just love it when you roll up our jeans from our nicely folded stacks and stuff em back in the shelves. thanks hehe
*Yeah those are just a few things that kinda bug me about retail. I know people get that everywhere but I just felt like listing it.

On Thursday Elizabeth drove us to our 8:30 am final for International Business. It took us over an hour to get there because of the snow and the traffic was slow and roads were bad. I was a little nervous we'd be late, but it was fine. We got to class aroun 8:40 and our teacher wasn't in the room and people were talking. Some mentioned us possibly having an open note/book test and/or group test. Eventually our teacher strolled in with his coffee and muffin and plopped down at the desk. He said the marketing department wasn't opened yet and that's who had our tests. So a few minutes later he sent up a student to check to see if anyone was there yet and no one was there. Prof. Vernon started to say that he could write out a final on the board...jokingly but it wasn't funny. I think he sent up students 2-3 times and no one was up there the second time and finally we got word that the lady who was typing them up thought the test was supposed to be done at 12 pm that day. Oh my goodness! We were mad. So my friend Eliz and this other girl got some guy and this guy said he heard we were having problems and all my prof starts to say is stuff about the weather. To top it off Prof. Vernon calls this other man the wrong name. What an insult. So then our teacher comes up with 3 options.
1. keep your grade w/out a final
2. answer 2 or 3 topics about int'l business and turn it in on monday
3. wait for the tests to be typed and printed and take the written final.
Our prof had us fill out a sheet stating which option we'd like. Eliz, me and this other guy Matt were all trying to figure out what to do. So Eliz and I decided we were not coming back down after school was over to turn in some stupid paper. We went down to the computer lab and typed up 2 1/2 pages for him. We went to his office and our teacher had an old student who he had 10 years ago from Indonesia visiting. We went in and he complimented us about being intelligent and pretty blah blah blah. Looked at our grades, took back his comment to me about being intelligent after looking at my 2 test grades and to top it off kicked us out of his office. YEAH we weren't happy at all. This guy is one of the most cynical people I know. If you ask him a question he looks at you like you're stupid no matter what the question is. He's a successful busines man who doesn't care about his students at all. He's loaded and talks down about women etc. So I'm just glad I'm out of that class!!! yea still have to wait to see what my grade is...eekkkkkkk!!!
Anyways...........yesterday went to CSU to try to sell books back but kept them b/c if I try to sell them online it'd be better. Worked 2:30-6, went to Champs and hung out with Julie and a friend Matt from school. In a little bit here I have to go to a leader's meeting at the youth pastor's house! Ok so I hope your eyes aren't too strained now! Sorry! :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Hey hey....So on Sunday I went to Sunday School and during church, Lindsay, me and 2 other youth girls helped sort all of the Christmas cards to distribute to the people. We do the Christmas cards as a fundraiser for Speed the Light for the youth. People make donations for postage to us instead of the post office. There were a ton of cards!!! After "church," a bunch of us went out to get Chinese. I got Egg Drop Wonton soup and chicken lo mein. Both were okay. Not the greatest but ok. Yeah so we walked in the dining room and it was i think, 54 degrees in there. IT was ridiculous. Plus it was snowing outside! CRazy people. I guess they don't expect people to come there on a Sunday afternoon and want to conserve their heat, but still. After I got the soup in me, I warmed up. After that I went home, kinda studied/napped, then went back to church for the leader's meeting. The choir sang the cantata again and i sat through that almost falling asleep b/c I was so tired. Afterwards I did study for my test.
Monday-took my Int'l comm final at 9, then mom and I went to Beachwood searching for uggs. Yeah they're pretty much sold out of the Chestnut size 3 everywhere..nordstrom and dillards. Nordstrom was doing a search through the entire US and possibly found them on the westside, but still have to let me know if they found them. I hope they do!! What a popular item! shesh!! Afterwards we wandered around. We didn't buy anything though. Came home then worked 5-9 in adult. I worked on some notecards for my last final too. yey lol
Today.....slept in for once until 9:30. It was soo nice. Then cleaned up my dresser a little bit and worked 12:30-5 well till about 5:20 b/c ppl were LATE....grrr... oh well. What can you do???
Now I have to study for my last final on Thursday...whooop de dooo!!!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

ugh i'm taking a mini brake from studying. i know it's wrong to hate a person, but right now im hating my international com professor. he's an idiot. when he gives us our notes, he jumps around, doesn't tell us what chapter he's in, and talks about pointless stuff i could care about. right now im going down the list for the study guide and i keep on flipping through my notes, finding one topic, then finding other info under that topic like 10 pages away. it's ridiculous i tell you. i will be so happy to be done with this stupid class. he's a smart guy, but doesn't know how to teach. so frustrated after sitting at this computer for like almost 4.5 hours typing up notes. it would be going faster if he was freakin organized. but no he's not..............

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Hey I thought I should probably update this since I haven't in a week! Last week wasn't too interesting. All week I worked and went to school as usual. It was pretty crazy at work over the weekend b/c of the holiday etc. On Friday I had my classes as usual. Ate with Salim and Yonn and my old friend, Matt from high school (spanish class to be exact) stopped by to say hi. I hadn't seen him in awhile. I always love seeing people I went to high school with. Well at least the ones I was friends with hahaha. It's fun to catch up! After work my friend and I (from work) went to Aveda salon across the street b/c they gave out these coupons for an open house from 6-9 and it was good for $10 a purchase. They had little stations set up so Jean and I saw the hot rocks (lava rocks) demo, got our arms massaged, some hair tips, and a lil makeup done. Oh I tried a piece of shrimp for the 1st was pretty good I guess. Jean's like dip it in the sauce and don't eat the tail. I'm like 'ok!' We were there for like 1 1/2 b/c of all the people coming in. I got some eye shadow for like $1.83 with the coupon! haha they were probably like 'cheapscape!' oh well!! Jean and I had fun. Then I went home, ate some homemade mac & cheese, then went to some antique shops that were open late with the rents. I bought a couple of things. We went into this one old barn and it was freeezzingg. You could see your breath in it the entire time we were there. I didn't enjoy that. The rest of it was fun and at one place we saw my dad's cousin and his wife so that was cool.
Saturday - usual there were people EVERYWHERE!~ I kept on having to say 'excuse me' every time I went to the back b/c they were all in the aisles. It was sooo tired out by the time 4 came it wasn't even funny. I worked in all 3 stores and the lines were so long. Most of the people were nice tho which helped! After work I ran to Marc's and got a few things. Came home and watched a couple episodes of Smallville and just chilled at my house.
Sunday- brushed off like 6 inches of snow from my car before church which made me 10 minutes late for Sunday School...grr...Then for church we had a previous Brown's coach talk and he was really really good. He told a lot of jokes, but also had a good message. I enjoyed hearing him talk. Afterwards I came home, ate, worked on hw, and babysat from 6-11:30 for a co-worker of mine b/c she and her husband went to the Aerosmith concert. I babysat for Hunter (6) and Nick (almost 4). They're really cute and fun lil guys. We ate pizza, watched a lil part of a dvd, played in the basement with their 6-in-1 sports game thing, played with their robotic toy thing, and train set. oh yea we also played a lil hide and seek. Fun times!!
Monday- school & work...
Today/ and work again. Yeah so after class (int'l bus) I go up ahead of some other ppl (in the elevator) to my professor's office to see what I got on a couple of essays I wrote. The other ppl took the 4 flights of stairs and were all huffing and puffing. It was pretty funny to hear all of them panting. he didn't know where he put my paper or other ppl's. He's so disorganized. My friend Matt says not to worry b/c some of his friends have had this teacher before and got a B in the class even if they didn't do so well on the tests. Yeah I hope he's right! eeekkkkk!!! This teacher is the weirdest grader I tell ya...oh well...who knows what I'll get in there.
That's about it! More to come....hehehe