Group don't worry we are drinking ROOT BEER! My first time actually drinking it haha. It's good!

Ha I love this picture b/c you can see a little water on my head and right after the picture took, I realized Don was pouring the water on my head. I was just making a funny face pose in the first place.

Me chopping wood or trying to at least

I'm too tired to write a whole lot but this weekend was a blast and a much needed break. Don, Brett, Greg, Leslie, Dan and I went camping at Mohican from Friday until Sunday afternoon. It was soooooooooooo much fun. We ate really great food, played volleyball, the boys did karoke (sp?), went swimming, relaxed (a lot!) and had water fights. Well...mainly I was the one getting "attacked" with water, but it was worth it hehe. I may put up some pics too when I have time. I want to go again!
Wow what a weekend! Saturday night I slept over Juliette's house b/c her parents went out of town. We met Greg, Brett and Don at Caribou and hung out there until they closed. It was a lot of fun. Greg kept on quoting lines from the movie "Anchorman." It really amazes me how much guys memorize from movies! Wow! At Julie's, her dog, Kodi, slept with us. That was kinda weird since I wasn't used to a dog in my bed b/c he kept moving. lol He's a cutie though and very well behaved! In the morning we went to church. After church we had a leader's meeting at Cici's then Leslie and I talked at Caribou. Later I took a 1/2 hr nap and met Don at his house to go and play tennis. Later Greg and Julie met us up there. Tennis is so much fun. I love it and I'm not too bad at it either! After tennis we all went to Dairy Queen. There we saw our youth pastor and the rest of our gang who went to church. Yes we played hooky. whoops! After DQ we went to Greg's house to watch a movie, then I went home after that.
Monday I slept in until like 10:30 and worked 2-7:15. After work Don and Brett met me up there and we had a mini camp meeting to go over some stuff. I went home and watched the final episode of Alias. It was really sad b/c I knew there weren't going to be any more- EVER! :( I also watched my other favorite show Everwood. So good!
Today I slept in a little too, then went to work from 2-6:30. I actually worked in all 3 stores today, but mainly in Babyland. Near the end of my shift I met a real nice lady who is actually a psychologist. She was fun to talk to and is having her first baby in Oct. After work Don & Brett met me again so we could do some grocery shopping for our camping trip. We got a lot done going to Marc's then we got our meat at Giant Eagle. It's coming together slowly!!
I have a long day tomorrow, so I must sign off.
I've passed my week update once again! Last Friday Don, Brett and I went to an art show in Avon Lake to see a student's sculpture. The guy who made the sculpture does amazing work! After that we grabbed pizza and watched a movie. Saturday..hmm..what was Saturday?? Oh yea! Graduation day! I graduated from Cleveland State with my Bachelor of Arts in Communication. There was an earlier graduation for education and something else, but mine was at 2:30. My friends and family started arriving around 12 or so b/c I had to be there no later than 1:15. My parents, Uncle Rob and Aunt Peg came along with my best friends- Elizabeth, Juliette, Don and Brett met us up there. I was so happy I had some friends and family there. Also my youth pastor and his wife were there, but I didn't get to see them. :( When I got there at first I didn't see ANYONE I knew, but then I saw my one teacher and a classmate. I finally found my friend Katie who I sat by during the ceremony. All of us graduates had to line up in 2 lines and wait there for like 45 minutes which was kinda boring. The ceremony lasted about 2.5 hours and wasn't too bad. The B.A. students were called last so that kinda stunk, but oh well! I "got" my diploma. (We actually get it in the mail in a month.) I walked down the ramp without falling too! haha. Afterwards I found my family & friends. We took a lot of pictures inside and out. They came out really good! Then we went home. Well I didn't grab my keys because Juliette and I came with Don so I didn't think that I needed them. Eliz. took Julie home and so Don and I had to wait for me to get into my house for my parents to get there. Well my dad didn't know how to get back to the highway from where he parked and it took them awhile. So yea...I just graduated...and I was locked out of my house. How nice is that? hehehe Finally we made it in! yey! Then the rents, Rob, Peg and I went to Hoggy's for dinner. It was yummy!!! I love BBQ!!! I came home and then Julie, Brett and I went to the Dollar's b/c they had a party earlier and we caught the end of it. There were a few people there and we played some games. It was fun.
On Sunday....I went to church and we didn't go out to eat for Mother's Day b/c we went out Sat. We ate at home then later Don and I went to Starbucks and read for a little bit, but ended up just talking. I got the best raspberry mocha ever! Mmmm...I say coffee doesn't have an effect on me, but yea...hmmm I think Don and I beg to differ. I think it makes me hyper..hehe. It was fun!
On Monday I worked in Kids. There wasn't anything too exciting going on that day. Tuesday....I worked then in the evening a few of us from church went to this church in Olmsted Falls -Worldview...but they have a special name 707 for the younger crowd I guess. It was interesting. We went to see how they draw in their crowds and retain people. Then afterwards Don and I grabbed some food at Donato's b/c we were starving...mmm..I got my hawaiian pizza.....delicious!!
Wednesday....I worked till 4:30 then went to youth. After youth a few of us went to Applebees. I love their spinach and guacamole dip. That lasted me a couple days b/c they give you so much in one serving. My goodness!!!
Thursday....worked till 3 then at 5:30 went over to Brett's house to watch "Lost" with him and Don. Afterwards we had a camp meeting to go over things with the other people who are going on our camping trip next weekend. That was the first time I have seen 'Lost,' but it seemed like a good show. I see how it's addictive!!
Today....was my looonngg day...worked in adult all day..10:30-5...yikes! I bought a cute little army green utility skirt. Once again I tried all of this stuff on and nothing fit me. GRRR...oh well. I'm sure it saved me money actually. hehe. Then went to the bank, Marc's and home to eat. Went to church to kinda help out with an event. I didn't really help out a whole lot, but a little with cleaning up chairs. I feel kinda bad, but I'm extremely tired and I keep on running myself out. Oh well! Also today I saw a friend (guy) who I went to school with. He's married now and it's just so weird to see him married. His wife is cute and nice, just weird to comprehend. I was just happy to see Jerry.
Working everyday now is kinda fun....because I get to see my regular customers which I enjoy. They're so nice and that makes my job fun. I know I have to find a career job's a must I know. I gotta get moving on that part! Well until later. I think my bed is calling me now! :)
The picture speaks for itself (from retreat) hehehe

Uncle Rob & Aunt Peg!

My parents & I before graduation

Best Buds- Elizabeth, Don, me, Brett & Juliette after graduation at CSU

I've been so busy that I haven't had any time to post. My last 2 classes were on Monday and that was sad. Regina and I walked to Tower City b/c we had time in between our classes. That was fun except for the blisters I got on my feet from my sandals. I took my psych final earlier that morning b/c I had to make it up from Friday. Don's dad passed away from a sudden heart attack last Monday and I went to the funeral on Friday. The calling hours were Thursday and thankgoodness my work gave me the day off so I could be there for him. It's just so sad. I feel so bad and it hurts me to see one of my best friend's hurting so much. CSU's professor's are so awesome and understanding. My other two teacher's were sympathetic and excused me on Friday. Over the weekend I worked and then went to a concert with Don and Brett. yeah...DIDN'T have fun at the concert. The music was so loud I literally covered my ears 90% of the time I was there in the smoke-infested room. They took my water bottle as soon as I paid and threw it away. After we were sitting for awhile, I went to the "bar" to get a cup of water, but no they don't give out cups of water. They just sell $2 water bottles........GRRRRRRRRRRRR. So yes I just suffered without my precious water. (hahah ...well no it's not really that funny...) The band we went to see (Stavesacre) didn't appear on stage until 11:15/30. There were 6 opening bands. A couple of the bands were good, but most were screamo or what I call "scary music." The one guy had red dreds. He reminded me of a really scary Raggedy Andy doll, pippy longstocking, or medusa. hahah Weirdo. Then on Sunday Don & Brett came over for dinner and we ate spaghetti. Later that evening I studied and did hw.
Now that I'm backtracking again.....Tuesday...I worked 1-8, then went over to our visiting pastor's house. He and his wife made us homemade ice cream and cake. It was delicious! His wife is an artist and she enjoyed showing us her sketches. She's too cute! She does very well for an almost 89-year-old! On Wednesday I went to the dr's for a physical since I hadn't had one in like 2 years. So I was in the waiting room talking to an ex-LWE member and the nurse comes out. I stand up. She asks me if I'm under 17. I say, "no." "Did you come by yourself? oh, Is she your mother (motioning over to the LWE member)?"
Me: "No."
Nurse:"Oh I didn't look at your birthday. I thought you were younger." So we walk past another nurse and the nurse I was with introduced me to the other nurse as her daughter. Then she said she was kidding. HA HAAAAAAAAA. Oh my goodness..........It went well. After that I went to the bank, and shopping but I only found a couple frames at Kohl's. I was looking for a shirt to go with my skirt for graduation, but as my luck always has it....nothing fits anywhere. I came home and my mom had ordered a couple of cleaning things from some lady. Well I open the door, the lady strolls right in. No I did not ask her to come in. She just did. Then right before she left she asks, "what grade are you going into next?" Me:"I'm done with school. I graduate this Saturday from Cleveland State."
Stupid lady:"Oh wow. I thought you were 15...blah blah blah..." Later I went to youth and third times a charm, right? So I'm talking with some people and this guy is there. He sticks out his hand and introduces himself as John. We talk and he starts talking about a certain type of cake- casada cake. I told him I had that at my graduation party. You should have seen the expression on his face. It completely changed. "What grade are you in?" um....I'm graduating from CSU Sat..."
"Oh my goodness I thought you were in 8th grade or were 15. I feel so bad!"
" happens to me all the time *sigh*"
Ok so what was going on yesterday people? I must have had the 15-year-old look going on or something. My goodness did I get slammed! It's sooooooooooooo annoying...YES I KNOW I'LL be thankful when I'm older, but I'm DEFINITELY NOT NOW. So don't tell me that! ARG :/
Enough of my ranting and raving. A few of us went to Applebee's afterwards and hung out. Then today was my last day at Ladies Workout. It was pretty slow, but okay. Nothing too interesting. That's about all for now!