Lindsay & Tink :)

The group

C.J. "Achieve", Audrey Flepburn, Robert Peskatrisk

Me, Gregor, & Lindsay and Mattie peeking in the back for the Mystery theater.

Another interesting/crazy week! My weeks are never ever the same! Of course there's work, friends, and other's the other stuff that gets ya! Anyways...this weekend I went on a Leader's Retreat to Beluah Beach in Vermilion. It was fun working together doing the low ropes course, ultimate frisbee (Lindsay and I were team captains...that made me happy I got to pick people hehehe..), swimming, learning, and spending time together. Pastor Kevin made us a Thanksgiving meal on Friday night and it was really yummy. It represented all the things we have to be thankful for. Then Sat. night I finally got my long awaited Denmark pics! yey!!
Yesterday was hectic, but fun working on the mystery theater for youth. It's going to be great! Then I went over to Kim's house and Kim, Bethany, and I hung out and ate blackberry cobbler...mmmm...:) Good times! I miss my bestest buds!
Today it hit me once again that school is over....:( My friend texted me saying she was eating pizza without me and had a frown face. That made me sad. I miss my friends. CSU started today...I could always go to graduate school..hahah..need $$ for that!
It's just amazing how different one week can be. So many things happen in 7 days. In one week you can be at your highest, then at your lowest.
I worked about 27 hours this week...not too some cleaning done in my room too. It's always nice to get rid of old magazines you'll never read. I got rid of some that I've had since '97. I just couldn't part with them then! Those stupid teenie bopper magazines.....
Oh I did sell an item on ebay! GO ebay haha
Until later!

"Special Agents"

"West Side"

It's Monday already? Can you believe that?? The week has gone by it seems so fast, but when you're actually "in" the week it goes by slowly. Once again I worked my 6 days a week at Gap. A few times (I think 2) during the week I was sent home early b/c we were over's good to go home early, but it stinks b/c then I dont get paid for those missed hours. On Wednesday we had a visit from our District Mgr. and some other important people. We had to know certain things in case they questioned us. Well luckily I was like the only one who didn't get questioned! I had at least one customer in Kids when they were there. Plus I opened up a crazy gapcard as they were walking that was good. My friends said some of the questions were hard...ekk! Luckily the visit went well though! phew! Then this weekend I worked....and on Friday I went to the Corn Festival and saw quite a few old kindergarten/elementary/HS friends. I just LOVE going there b/c then you get to see everyone & have fun catching up. I went with my mom and Brett surprisingly met us up there to hang out. They also had fireworks at 10:30 and they lasted for about 25 minutes and were really good. A lot better than Crocker Parks! I got my dippin dots I had been wanting...but yea I think they made me sick...not good....blah....
Saturday I worked in adult & kids. In the morning I rang up this family...2 daughters, a son, and their mom. The son (a college student at Elon I found out b/c he told me), was holding one of the sister's purse. I'm like "nice purse you got there" just being funny etc....then when they're ready to get rung up, I have to grab another belt b/c the one he had was missing a tag. He walked over with me to make sure I could find it..blah blah..yea I can recongize the same belt..but anyways...and continued on. I talked to the family and they were fun to talk to. The mom did a charge send from another store and while she was doing that, the son asked if I was going back to school. I said no I graduated from COLLEGE (made that CLEAR) and then finished them up. By then of course I did think he was sorta into me...and im thinking oh no, whatever...he'll just leave and that'll be it. So they get a customer feedback survey..write my name down on it like I do everyone else (we do wear nametags too) and they leave. So an hour later my mgr, Barb comes into Kids and says I..yes me..have a phone call on Line 1 from a man customer I rang up earlier...i never get calls. So I was like what?? I answer he tells me who he is and I'm thinking "oh it comes." He first asks a question about the denim promo. I answer. Then he asks if I'd like to do anything tomorrow (Sun) or if I was free. I told him I was busy and had plans. He thanked me and said goodbye. yea.....I got asked out by a customer over the phone while I was working. whoop de dooo..ugh Why does that always happen??? Ha then barb was like "was he creepy?" I'm like no. She's like well that's good. hahah yea! Wow.....Then later Kate and I dealt with a man customer who was mean to us..just very short with us on how he spoke..stupid man lol.....grrr....Later that night i had a picnic with my friends..Don, Brett, Lindsay, PK, Dan, Leslie & Jason at Hunington Beach. I ate a cheeseburger for the first time in I have no idea how long. It was good! I had a fun time hanging out with everyone!
On Sunday I met with our Murder Mystery committee to plan it for the youth. I think it's going to be pretty cool! Can't wait for it! Then after that..Greg and I helped Sarah in Children's church with a quick game. Went to service and Pastor Dale spoke on committment. It was really good. Plus he is using movies as a visual aid now more than he has before. I like that a lot. After church, game home ate a Quizno's, went to Corn Festival parade, saw half of my neighborhood there (no not really lol), saw my good friend Katie in it too, got candy, got some SUN, and rushed home b/c I thought we had a leader's meeting. I drove to church and no one was there!! I was so mad. I guess everyone (including youth pastor etc) had I hung out with Don for an hour, went to church to work on a scrapbook for Sarah, then Don and I hung out the rest of the night at Donato's & the beach.
Now I'm trying to be productive, but yea I don't know if that's going to happen. I don't have to work until 5. lol :)
August, Brett, me, Fred & Joanna with our funny faces at Edgewater Beach, Cleveland.

Weekend fun!
This past week has been a whirlwind. Mon-Fri was VBS and all of those days I had to work. I'm exhausted! It has been a TON of fun and I really enjoyed my group. As you can see in the pics I had my 2 little buddies. Hannah in the orange claimed I was her sister and wanted me to come home with her. I told her to ask her dad, but she said, "no, you're coming home with me. You can go to your house and pack your bags." She's 6 1/2 and is a smart girl. When she wouldn't get noticed to answer a question in one spot on the floor, she'd scoot back to be noticed. It was hilarious. Plus she volunteered to answer questions all of the time. She's a cutie! :) I'll miss her. Jackie is my other buddy. She goes to our church and enjoyed telling me about her day of swimming or making things for her American Girl dolls. She was hilarious b/c she thought the other girls were so crazy sometimes and she'd say, "what do you expect?" haha They said the funniest things! Plus it was fun this year watching all the the crazy preschoolers be out of control...heheh..yea and I didn't have to deal with them!! oo yea. This morning in church we sang 5 of the songs from VBS & Audrey & I had fun doing the sign language along with the songs. (I think I like it when kids are older and listen to you age 7 & 5th graders...I like those age groups better I've discovered :) ).
Besides has been crazy this past weekend. It was friends & family and so we had a lot of people shopping. It was fun..but tiring. On Friday night I worked from 10-5:30..had some visitors..yey Joanna, Fred & August hehe ...and then grabbed a delicious Blueberry peach cobbler smoothie from Liquid Planet and headed to VBS. After VBS, I helped out with gathering the yardsale stuff. I slept really well that night.
Saturday- worked..then went swimming at Greg's with a bunch of people who helped out with the carwash/yardsale. We had noodle fights, dunks, and just chaos going on. I finally stole a noodle from someone and almost got away with it until someone pushed me in the pool with my friend Matt. Matt then proceded to swim to the bottom of the deep end with me and the noodle. I couldn't hang on any I lost the noodle. After Matt came up he said, "man that was hard!" hahha..yea..don't mess with me! (I love sneaking up on ppl and pushing them in. I had pushed him in earlier when he didn't suspect it hehehe).
Sunday- went to Sunday school, then church. It was a fun/good service between the VBS songs and the preaching. Seems like each service is so different now. Afterwards, met up with some friends at Taco Bell. My one friend Joanna (pic below) came in from Chicago. Joanna, Fred, August, Brett and I went to Edgewater Beach and played frisbee. It was a lot of fun & relaxing! I needed that!!
Ok I'm backtracking...I had an interview with Enterprise on Thurs. morning before work and I think it went well. It was for a management trainee position. She's supposed to call back this week....not sure what I'm going to do yet! Still looking at diff companies tho.
Alright..CORN FESTIVAL THIS WEEK!!! I can't wait to see old friends!!! :)
Joanna & I at the beach!

Zach the intern & me with our westside faces hahaha...We're all going to miss him!!

Hannah & me :)

My VBS buddies..Hannah and Jacquline

Quote of the day:
This is from a little girl named Bailey in my VBS group.
"Miss Elizabeth (b/c that's what is on my name tag), do you ever go outside?"
That is in regards to my VERY white legs and my lightly tanned arms. Yes, the girls in my group are wayyyyyyyy darker than me b/c I work indoors and never see the light. haha jk. Oh well....:/