So tonight I went to a retirement party at a church couple's house. I mainly went b/c my friend Audrey called me to go to hang out with her (hahaha), but it was a fun time. At one point Audrey and my friend aka youth pastor's wife, Lindsay went outside to Audrey's car. I waited a little bit and they didn't come back. Well I went outside in the pitch black darkness of a night and saw the light on in the car. should I let them know I'm there? Call them? nah..So I went on the passenger side where Lindsay was sitting and tapped on the window. The next thing I know both of them jumped forward and screamed their hearts out. Whoa! I got them good. After a minute of them breathing in a sigh of relief (well I don't know if they were relieved), they let me in the back seat. They were huffing and puffing with from their hearts pounding out of their chests. I got them good I guess :) . They said they thought they peed their pants..or almost did. I kinda scared them to death. It kinda was my plan, but I didn't think it'd be that scary. I guess Lindsay couldn't see out the window with the light on in the car so that made it worse. whoops.....:) yes I know...I'm mean haha but it was funny you have to admit! I think they forgave me b/c they still talked to me!
Alright well now I have some time to write! Last Thurs to this past Sun I was in St. Louis & Springfield, Mo visiting family and friends. I had such a great time. It's just so nice to get away from reality for a few days and relax. I got up really early... Thurs morning at 5:15 then my dad took my mom and I to the airport for our 8:35 am flight around 7. My cousin Matt met us there and we went to his/Lori's house. There I had fun playing with my lil cousins, Abby & Bella. We played school and with stuffed animals. They're so much fun and I'm sad they're sooo far away! :( I stayed there for a few hours then Don and I drove to Springfield. I was oh so excited to see Don & Julie! I've missed them soo much! Later that night we went out to eat at this place called McCalister's. I got a chicken sandwich with cranberry-like sauce...mmm soo good. I got 2 meals out of that. Later that night I went to Evangel's Homecoming pep rally. Julie's friend Amber was the mc and she was hysterical. I laughed through the entire pep rally b/c Amber kept it going. People played twister, there was a banner parade, musical chairs which ended with a pie in the face. Good times! Afterwards I hung out with Julie and her b/f.
On Friday I was excited to see my friend Jessica and her daughter Emma. Emma is so big! She's not a baby anymore. Next week she'll be 2! Wow...time flies. We went to eat then to the mall and walked around. Later that day went to dinner, a coffee house and saw a movie- Teladega Nights with my other friend Dan and his g/f. I enjoyed being with everyone.
Then on Saturday...slept in a little, listened to Evangel's wonderful new clock tower sing a song at 10 am, ate, went to the bookstore, went to the football game where Evangel "ruffled the ravens" (that's what Amber chanted at the pep rally) . Luckily the weather was really nice too. The game was very close at the end! Had dinner at Subway with Don then went to a haunted corn maze with Don's two friends- Bryan & Lindsay. Poor B & L b/c they were pretty scared. Stuff like that(haunted stuff) for some odd reason just doesn't bother me. I mean I just don't like ugly looking things. I don't want to look at them. They don't scare me, i just don't care for them. Now they startle me when one is beside me and I don't expect it to be there, but I saw a lot of people with chainsaws, they saw I had no reaction & wasn't frightfully clinging to everyone around me, so they passed me up. Every creepy creature just walked past me hahha..yea..:) I don't know. I'm just not scared of that stuff & thank God I don't get nightmares after it. I think realistically and I'm fine with that haunted stuff. We all had a great time.
Sunday was the sad day b/c I had to go home. Said my goodbyes and away my mom and I went......:( friends are so good to me. Very accomodating, fun & relaxed :) They spoil me too much!!! ;) I started calling Julie my agent b/c she made a lot of calls/arrangements for me with a couple other friends. IT was cute. Plus I can't forget my driver.....whewy...lot of driving around in Mo fo sure! hehe :)
I was back to work on Monday and it was nice seeing everyone again. Nothing too exciting has happened except there's too many people who want jeans all at the same time. That annoys me lol.
My little cousins with "the big girl in the blue sweater" :)

I love the babies! It's a giraffe parade!