I'm on spring break this week. So far it's been going okay. On Tues and Thurs I worked at LWE. On Monday I shadowed a lady from church who is a Marketing Consultant for a hospital in Lorain. Since I have no idea of what I want to do, I've been asking people about their jobs. This lady has her own cable tv show and does a variety of things. It was really interesting and I learned a lot. I know I don't want to go into health care...I wouldn't be able to handle the sick people, but the consultant part possibly??? We dropped off some of her tapes, took a mini trip to McD's for hot chocolate and visited a doctor who she's going to interview at the beginning of April. Later that afternoon I ran some errands and hung out at home.
Yesterday was my sleep in day and it was wonderful. Part of the reason I slept in till I think 9:30 was b/c I have a stuffy nose. The weather changed on Monday and so me along with a lot of others I'm finding out, have the same symptoms of sickness...sneezing, stuffed up nose, and a itchy throat. My throats ok now, but not my nose. Stupid nose! Ugh. Anyways...kinda bummed around all day..listed some stuff on ebay..nothing really worth a whole lot, but you never know! Then later that evening one of my best friends, Kim, came over to drop off my bday present. She got me some cute earrings and a necklace set. I was happy to have her come over and chat with her for awhile. I miss the 4 of us girls getting together....Then at night we had small groups at youth and it went ok. My group is still hyper, but yea it's fun. They always make me laugh. We're having a penny war for Speed-the-light..guys vs. girls...and Don gave me some pennies to put in the girls jar. Last week he found out about it when he was home. He said he had some pennies and said since I was the first person to ask for them, I could put them in the girls jar. Whoa when I walked in and people found out they were from shh.. A GUY...the guys were upset. BWHAHAHAHAHA. My youth pastor couldn't believe Don "betrayed" the guys like that. Well tough luck guys! :)
That's about it for now! Spring Break is coming to an end here soon..sadly....:( It's not very springy outside.
p.s. I forgot to tell a funny, yet disgusting story from a couple of Sunday's ago.
I was running late for Sunday school and I was getting ready to brush my teeth. So I grabbed what I thought was MY toothbrush. Did the whole brushing routine....looked down...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WRONG COLOR TOOTHBRUSH! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Yes...I used my mom's toothbrush. I had a sick feeling the whole way driving to church. I couldn't believe it. That grossed me out so much! Well I am ok and have recovered. Luckily. ha!
Inside the Ford truck concept car..now that's a luxury car. wow

Wow I've had a busy week/weekend so far. On Friday I wasn't scheduled to work because we're over hours, so my friend Hannah and I hung out. We went to Malley's Ice cream shop in Bay and we got mickey mouse ice cream with peanut butter underneath, chocolate sauce, vanilla ice cream, reese's pb cup ears, button eyes, and a red nose. It was DELICIOUS! Then we didn't really know what to do, so we drove on Lake Rd. and looked at the HUGE houses and ended up at Target and Old Navy. We also had a great time chatting of course! Later that evening I worked on homework...
Saturday I worked at Gap till 4, then came home for an hour and left to go to my youth pastor's house for a leader's meeting about an upcoming retreat. The meeting went kinda long....6-10, but it was fun hanging out throwing ideas around. After that Don, Brett, and I went to Brett's house to hang out since Don came home from college.
Sunday I went to Sun. school and church, came home, ate, then Don and I went to the Cleveland Auto show. Wow..some of those cars are WAY TO EXPENSIVE. They'd have to be a car and house combo for the price you'd pay for a new car. I did like them, but I can't justify paying 50-125,000 for a car. I like the BMW's...ha yea they're REALLY expensive too. The Hummer and Escalade were nice of course. I saw a mercedes kompressor for $125,000. SHESH! A 2 seater. right....There was also an awesome concept Ford luxury truck I really liked. Looked like the inside of an airplane. It was fun dreaming for a day and sitting in the cars. :)
I didn't go to church that night (I know...lol) b/c I had an outline due on Monday which took me about 5 hours to do..GRR.
Today I cleaned and worked 1-8 at LWE. Nothing too exciting there lol. It was sample day and I sold some Apex products and made over 50 calls trying to get people in the club. WHEW!