Friday, October 28, 2005

The Terrible, Horrible, No Good Day (well it was yesterday actually) WARNING LONG STORY!!

So yesterday the morning went really well. Elizabeth picked me up and we went to our one morning class. I came back home and went online to check email, called some possible contacts for my internships, and ate lunch. Well I left my house around 1:30 to leave for work. I was on Center Ridge Road in Westlake and approaching the intersection at Crocker. Well there were I think 2 boys in a black sedan (I have no idea what kind of car they were driving) and I wasn't really looking at them, but the next thing I see is this bottle filled with red juice flying at my "head" well car. The driver threw the bottle right at my car and the bottle hit my driver's side mirror. It didn't knock the entire mirror holder off, but the actual mirror landed smack dab in the middle of the road. Plus there was red juice all splattered over my drivers side window and side of the car. I was totally shocked and really mad at that point. I called my mom right away and then decided to turn around to get the mirror and part of the bottle. It was just a cup practically, but from all the force it knocked the mirror off. I was sorta freakin out, but I made it to work quite upset. I ran into a co-worker and told her what happened then went inside & told my managers. They let me call the Westlake police to report the incident but then they told me to come down later to file the report so I did after work.
I told my mom I just knew I'd get a crazy/looney/crappy customer that day to make the matters worse. Well lo and behold - I DID! OK
so this lady and her boy who was probably less than 2 comes in. I greet them and say my little spiel letting her know the promos. First thing she says to me is, "Oh I don't buy sales. I buy what I like." I was like ok..this is how it's going to be...yeah thanks...I can't wait! She asked for candy right away and we didn't tell her we had chocolates...So she's looking around and her kid is crying. I think when she came in she was saying something about people calling the police on her or she was going to call the police on her little boy for some reason. I can't remember. I was thinking, "honey I got their number right in my back pocket. I'll call them on you myself." She comes up to me and asks, "can you watch him so I can go get his bottle in the car?" I was hesitant and said no b/c I have to take care of the customers and I just really can't watch him. The psycho lady goes to the other lady I'm working with and asks her if she can watch her child, and she says no b/c we just can't and aren't responsible for the kids. The psycho is desperate and asks the 2 other female customers in the store (who already have 2 very young children w/them) to watch her boy and they agree. Oh my goodness! So many things could happen with her gone leaving her kid! Luckily the lady did indeed come back and continued shopping. When she came back she had forgotten where she'd put her sweater and pants. She's like did u pick it up and put it away? I said no I didn't touch anything or see it. She's shopping some more and asks for different sizes. I offer her options..of course she doesn't like them and has some excuse b/c she's all high and mighty. Her poor child is crying most of this time. Psycho discovers the magnet table next door in Kids. Drops her kid off there and comes back to baby. No adult supervision watching her child whatsoever. She complains to me that "oh how dare they not play with my boy over there. They aren't busy like you. I can't believe this. I drove all the way from Stow and I get treated like this?" That was her famous line for the day:"I drove all the way from Stow to spend all my money" ...then whatever complaint she had she added to that sentence. So she's shopping and I'm helping her..she thanks me blah blah blah...doesn't like what I'm picking out for her..didn't think she would..and she heads back to find her seemed like probably 15 minutes later. And oh can she find him? OH of course not! So a customer pokes her head into baby," have u seen a little boy?" Um no...So psycho did find her lost little boy...somewhere in kids i think. poor kid I tell ya! I think she's pretty much done by then. OH well I help her find some cords and head up to the counter.

She was debating between 2 pairs of pants I thought. I honestly didn't think she was done. Well she was I came to find out. There was another NICE (I'm not being sarcastic here) customer who was really normal. She only had like 2 items. I asked PsYcHo if I could ring up the nice lady and she flipped out on me. "HOW DARE YOU ASK IF U CAN RING HER UP? YOU'VE BEEN HELPING ME FOR THE PAST __ MINUTES AND I DESERVE YOUR FULL ATTENTION. SHE'S NOT GOING BEFORE ME." I was like WHOA lady! So the nice lady said something like, " lady you need to calm down or get a grip on things." Then PsYcHo called nice lady the b-word and pretty much threatened her. So nice lady went to kids to get rung up and Psycho was going to let nice lady go ahead of but she went to kids instead. Probably to get away! I did ring psycho up and she said," you know what u did was wrong, right?" I was like no it wasn't. She went on like I know you're young and you have much to learn..etc. I was like whatever lady. I'm older than you think. I told her I didn't think what I did was wrong b/c other people don't have a problem with it. She threatened she was going to return all the stuff she was buying. I straight up said, "why are you buying it then?" She said she wanted another store to get credit for it...Ok??? ..sure go RIGHT ahead lady from STOW! During the payment time..she tried a coat on her kid and was laying him on the floor getting it all dirty and wanted me to locate the size she was trying on him at another store so she could get it there. That was a whole huge deal...eventually she did leave and just couldn't believe how she was treated there. Oh yea we were so horrible to her...helping her that is. At one point when I went to get another pair of cords for her I almost lost it from the day I was having. I was thinking, yea I don't know what she'll be thinking with a crying kid and a crying sales associate so I remembered what Michelle told me...deep breath..deep breath and I finished ringing her out. I just wanted her to leave!!! Finally she did! I really think she was bipolar.
She acted all high and mighty or whatever and she wasn't dressed the part-like she didn't look like she had all the money in the world to spend like she said she was. Her hair was pretty frumpy and everywhere...just not dressed like other Crocker people. I'm not saying that I care..just she was contradicting her actions and words...WHAT AN EXPERIENCE I TELL YA!!! WHEW....
I was so glad to go home after that! I was worn out!
Today was a lot better. My friend Yonn had to bring her lil guy Jaylen (14 mo) to school b/c the babysitter was sick. He's soo cute and behaved so well in class. My gender teacher even brought him in the front of the class and was holding him and talking to him. He just looked around. He later went to sleep after his bottle and only made 2 sounds the whole time. :)
Better start on some school work..yey..yuck...

Monday, October 24, 2005

Hey not a whole lot went on this weekend. I worked and then watched people at Barnes & Noble for my gender class to see gender interaction/behavior. Later when I came home my mom and I went to Donato's and ate some Hawaiian pizza and breadsticks. Saturday was crazy busy even though it was raining out. I was all over the store (between the three boxes) but it was tons of fun b/c I wasn't restricted to one place the whole time. Afterwards I went to Marc's to get some things, came home, ate, studied, and later on talked on the phone with a couple friends. Sunday I went to church and my one friend who's going to school in Missouri came home for the weekend so it was nice to see him. Then when church started I saw my old youth pastor's wife and some other people who hadn't been there in FOREVER! I love it when people come back to visit!! Later on I studied some more, napped, went to the leader's meeting and then earlier we had an installment service for our "new" pastor and his family, but in the evening we had a dinner. It was soo good. Chicken paprikash (sp?) lol The youth served, but this time I just sat b/c I'm sorta getting over my sniffy nose/sore throat sickness. More studying......after I came home!
Today was the dreaded test that I had studied parts of my weekend away for. I hope I get at least half a point for things I sorta guessed on. This teacher drives me insane b/c he expects us to know soo much of the communication...and yea right.... The teachers that i've had from another country seem to be harder teachers. GRRRR oh well!! We'll see on Wed or next week how I did!
yippee I get to work today...hope it goes by fast!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Yesterday my friend Katie and I were in the UC center at CSU sitting at a Major Fair for the Communication table and my friend Salim called me asking where I was. I got off the phone and told her it was Salim and Yonn asking where I was. She questioned what I said, and I repeated it. At first she thought I said, "filet mignon!" hahahah I thought it was sooooooo funny...anyways..
Not a whole lot of new stuff going on...just school, school, school, and work....Went to youth last night and Pastor Paul was our guest speaker. It was so good to see him again. He has a goatee thing going on. He looks different haha. After the service was over, I was talking to him and he's like, "Elizabeth, you just make me laugh." I guess that's a good thing? lol Then he let me listen to his daughter, Madelyn's (2 1/2) happy birthday message to him. It was soooo cute!! He preached a really good message titled, "do you believe?" Meaning to you believe in God and his plan enough that you won't let anything stop you do to what he's calling you to do.
Today- just class and work till 5. Lindsday came in and I helped her try to find some jeans. She's so cute! I love her!!
Gotta get going on hw now...and email...yey!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Recap of weekend...dun dun dun..............
Friday..classes; worked until 6, came home and what did I do you ask? I worked on homework. Yes I had tons of fun watching my pilot episode of "Related" and counting the number of edits which occurred in the whole 60 minutes (well not the commercials) of the show. Not only did I count the edits, but how long music played, what kind of music it was, watched the different kind of angles, close-ups,and all that other fun tv stuff. I think I watched the show like 3 times in a row. Then I watched my other tv shows that I watch on Friday nights and I payed attention to those edits...ahhhhh. Stupid media criticism class has changed the way I watch tv now!!!
I worked 11-4 in adult. It was horrible walking in to work b/c the sun was shining on my face and it felt so warm. I just wanted to lay on one of the benches and fall asleep all day. But no I had to go inside and work. Wait on people. What fun. I did get to see 3 of my friends tho. Two were classmates of mine. I saw my friend Christina S. and her b/f. I think she was home on fall break I'm guessing. I was helping a lady at the time, then Christina came up and I started talking to her and I come to find out when I went back to the lady that the lady was mad at me b/c I "ignored her" to talk to my friends that came in. Whatever lady... they were shopping. My manager was like well thats how she as a customer saw me talking to my friends who came in to see no. It wasn't that way at all. Later I saw another girl I went to school with - Emily. I asked her how she was doing and she was just like "ok." But it was how she said it. Not like she was really ok. Anyways...then I saw my friend Sarah shopping. Got off work and Julie called b/c we've been dying to see each other. I think we were on the phone pretty much all day after 4 haha. So I get home and Julie and I decide on something...sit down to start on my hw, I think like 5 minutes went by, and Brett & Don called me. There goes my paper haha Oh well. I love hanging out with them. They're so funny. So I go over there and they want to put me in a box. I said no and said they could so they did. They put Brett's new guitar box over their heads and were trying to walk around in it. I got pictures.....boys.....enough said... Later we went to Donato's and got a hawaiian pizza...yummy...and met up to see Julie, Greg, and Matt before they went to Trip to Hell b/c I hadn't seen Julie yet after being on the phone with her all day. It was nice to see her!
Went to Sunday school , then church. I got tickled at church. Okay so this lady was sitting with her husband in the pew then more than half way through the service, she gets up crosses in front of the youth section (which is on the far right side of the church) and sits down. Okay I have no idea what the circumstances were- they could have been fighting for all I know or maybe the guy smelled, or she couldn't see? I don't know...but anyways..I started laughing but I was trying my best to hold in my laugh. Bad combination!!! Hannah just looked at me and then i think b/c I was laughing she started to laugh...ay yi ay. Anyways...I calmed myself down and was eventually okay. Later I told Brett & Don about the lady and they thought I was so mean for laughing but honestly I couldn't help it! It just tickled my funny bone!!
A bunch of us went to get Chinese after church. A few of us rode in Greg's caddy had seat warmers....very nice!! That was fun. Got chicken & broccoli. Came home and worked on my homework. I didn't go to church b/c I had too much to do. A bunch of people went to Pk & Lindsay's but they live like 35 minutes away and so I didn't want to drive all the way out there. It's too far when I drive to Cleveland every day. Oh well :( I was sad. I watched my tv shows....

Monday-didn't have my first class! my paper back in media crit and I finally got my A !!! I GOT AN A!!!!!!! I hadn't seen that letter in awhile! I'm soo Happy!!! I have to work tonight...yuck dare they! haha jk jk. oh well I better go. Have things to do! later!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Review time!!
Got up early- mom and I went to Beachwood Mall. Walked into Nordstrom and low and behold they had plastic umbrella bags for your wet umbrella. I thought it was so funny that I took a pic with my phone on the way out! Looked at a shirt there in the women's section: $158 or so? Yeah no thanks....Then we headed up to the children shoes dept since I have extremely small feet. I tried on those Australian Uggs. I wasn't really liking them last year, but wow I put my feet in a pair and fell in love with them b/c they are extremely comfortable. I want a pair now! I bought a cute pair of grey, purple, and pink Diesels. Then I fount a cable knit pink hoodie in the kids dept and went downstairs and found the cutest boots. I tried sooo many on but finally found some. They're brown, lace up around the boot and have fur on the flap along with furry pom poms hahaha. They're sooo comfy. Then we went to the rest of the mall after spending like 2 1/2 hrs in Nordstroms trying on shoes lol. Ate some auntie anne pretzels. I highly recommend the almond ones...mmmm delicious. Mom and I found some goodies at Bath & Body works. I got a purse there to kinda go with my new boots! Wandered around in some other stores that I can't afford and went to Legacy Village. There we went to Cookies by Design and bought 3 yummy sugar cookies. After that we came home and I worked on hw and watched tv.

Yesterday I went to International Business and took a really hard test. My best friend, Elizabeth, thought it was hard too... I don't think I want to get it back!! oh well...It's so hard to motivate myself to study anymore. I want to do other things. Wandered around Crocker b/c I got there a little after 11 and didn't have to work until 12:30. I walked into Abercrombie Kids ( first time in that store. I have never bought anything from there b/c I dont like there marketing etc.. but wanted to see what they had out) and I was offered a part-time job. Ugh no thanks. I told the girl I worked @ Gap and she's like, for how long? I told her 3 years. She kinda stopped then lol YEAH THATS RIGHT GIRL lol. ANyways...worked till 5 and worked on my paper and resume stuff. Watched my favorite show Gilmore Girls!! LOVE IT!

Today I got up so early and was almost late b/c I didn't want to get out of bed. Luckily my teacher was running late. Phewy. Sat through another boring lecture. yippee. Then went to another class, had lunch w/Salim & Yonn and met with a career services lady who helped me with my resume. She gave me some pointers on how to fix it. She was really nice, but really straight forward with you. I liked her though. Very motivating! We started this movie in Gender Com, "He said, She said." Seems to be pretty good so far. Then I met mom up at Barnes & Noble b/c she was meeting her two old school teacher friends there for lunch. We talked and then walked around for a little bit. Said our goodbyes then we went to my work. I bought a cute down vest. It's black and has fur on the hood. It'll go with my new fuzzy boots!! Now I have to revise my resume and get ready for youth tonight. I'm so tired......
p.s. check this out if u want to see a really bad pic of me...ha im like eating or something. It's on my school's website and I don't know how long it'll be up:

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Hello there! A review of my weekend:
Friday I went to class, walked around campus trying to find a stupid blue paper to add a capstone class to my grad application. ( I need that class for my major to graduate). No one at that school knows anything about the other divisions. It amazes me the LACK of communication there. Anyways...finally found the grad office (yes one exists) after class. Went to work 2:30-6:30, then went home and worked on my resumes and cover letter to hopefully get an internship soon. Also worked on a paper for my one other class.
Saturday, worked 11-4 and on the way to work I saw a baby bird right in front of Limited Too (at Crocker all the stores are outside) and he was just standing there in the rain with his eyes closed. I felt so sad. I told my manager when I got inside and she's like, 'he lost his mommy.' That made me feel even worse! Poor lil guy! :( He was gone 5 hours later so I hope he made it. We weren't as busy b/c it was raining but it was nice for a break on a Saturday. Afterwards I went home, ate, worked on hw/studying, then met Brett up at Guitar Center and we went to Great Northern Mall and walked around. I got a cute brown skirt from Limited Too with 3 tiers and sequins on it. Then we went to Best Buy and he got a cd.
Today, Sunday, went to church, then out to eat at KFC for Snak n Yak with some ppl from the youth. It was sooo funny b/c earlier I guess some of the girls were pouring salt on the table just messing around then later Lindsay (uth pastor's wife) came back after filling their drinks with pop. Well she went to set them down on the table and the lid on the one wasn't really on so pop went EVERYWHERE all over Leanne and Audrey. It was sooo funny. Not for them but for me to see it happen. I was cracking up. Later on I went home and studied for a few hours. I'm hoping to list some clothes on ebay. Any recommendations on how to make your site look more enticing to bidders? Let me know! :)

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Lucky-my friend's poodle Posted by Picasa

Wise words from Dr. Ivan Vernon once again:
*(Referring to Tues. morning discussion) - Empty praise, not idle criticism- He was referring to when your wife first asks you for a favor. Well of course being the lovely gentleman husband that you are, you agree. Then you hear those dreaded words (well from a man's point of view. Not from Elizabeth's perception haha), "Will you go shopping with me to help me pick out an outfit/dress?" -You say, "of course honey!" (Really you're like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO but too late now. You already agreed). So you guys go to the store and the wife is trying on the clothes (garments as he says haha). She steps out from the fitting room- does this look good on me? Does this make me look fat?
You: "oh no honey. Your huge thigh isn't sticking out. You're not barely squeezing into that dress that's 2 sizes too small." (that's what you're thinking) You really say:
"Oh honey wow, you know how amazing you look today?" ha you think you're off the hook. It could go two ways. She can believe you or she can be like "you're just saying that." Then you're in trouble. dun dun dun............
*Another important element to the shopping trip for a man: finding where the comfiest (sp?) couch/chair is to sit in! -Once again another episode from Ivan Vernon.....

Okay now for Elizabeth's stories....
Wednesday...lovely 8 am class once should see my notebook. It's covered in little Halloween drawings this time. Great class (insert sarcasm). Had media criticism, then ate with my 2 buds again. Salim almost scared me again like he did before. Luckily I didn't scream and make it echo this time.. shesh! Then Yonn and I went to Gender Com and got our tests back. I didn't do too well but with extra credit it should bring me up to a B-. I love extra credit I tell ya! Afterwards I mailed my phone off which I sold on ebay and came home. We were watching my best friend's dog, Lucky, because she was at school and he'd be lonely during the day. He's a little black poodle and loves to play ball. I was at the computer trying to read emails and read a book and he kept coming back with his little yellow slobbery ball wanting me to throw it. He comes back so fast! Before that we visited my friend across the street and chatted with her for a little while. After dinner my mom and I went to church. Youth is so crazy. There's so much teenage drama it's ridiculous. Of course I never know what's going on and no one ever tells me. I guess it's probably good I don't know. I just don't see why people are like that. Teens are crazy I tell ya! After youth mom and I went to Target to pick up a couple of things and came home and chatted online.

Today Elizabeth picked me up and we went to Int'l Bus. Came home, ate and went to work 2-5. I had someone open up a gapcard...yey! Today was better customer-wise. There were a lot of babies. Two really cute ones who kept smiling at me. I held the one for her mom so she could get some jeans down. So cute! Got gas, came home, internet, ate, listed on ebay, hw, and Julie and my other friend Katie called. I just have so much homework to do it's insane! I better keep working on it! Later`

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Wise words from Dr. Ivan Vernon (age 65 I think)...International Business teacher: What we learned in class today:
Ways to get out of being a modern/metro man in 2005:
1. Laundry: Here's what you do. You find your wife's favorite dark most expensive shirt, mix it with the whites so you mess the whole load up. Then your wife gets mad and you apologize profusely saying you'll never do it again and offer to do laundry again. She let's you do it one more time. You do it right. She's happy. So you find another shirt...her favorite one that is like $70-80, mix it with lights, apologize again and again. Buy her the exact same one and take her out to dinner. You'll never have to do laundry again. You'll offer - she'll say "NOOO! I'll do it from now on." You're off the hook.
2. Dishes: You know the china everyone gets when they get married? Well when you're doing dishes after dinner, accidently "break" her biggest platter. She'll get really upset, and you'll never do dishes again.
3. Vacuuming: My teacher was telling about his wife's cats which he hates. You chase the cates around with the vacuum, they run and hide under the furniture. You ram into the furniture with the vacuum. His wife asked what was going on and my teacher said, "oh nothing honey. The cat's like it." (yeah as they are scared to death!) His wife notices the scratched up furniture feet- no more vacuuming for the husband.
4. Sheets/Making the bed: The bottom sheet with the elastic on the bottom, place it on the bed so when you are moving, the elastic comes off and you get entangled all in the sheets. No more making the bed.
Yes the things we learn in international business. Now if I could only remember the stuff I need to remember for my classes that'd be great!

The rest of my day.....went to work from 12:30-5...seemed like a long 4.5 hours. Had a lovely lady come into Baby (the 20 minutes I was in there) and yell at me. She returned all this stuff..probably 10-15 units, then wanted me to call another store to find it all in another size when we were so busy at the moment. She was on her lunch break and in a hurry. SORRY lady, the world doesn't revolve only around you!! UGH so then I do the return, she walks away as I'm doing it to look around. I finish up, go to her on the floor, give her the receipt and then she wants me to help her find stuff. Well there's like 3-4 people waiting in line while my other co-worker is ringing. I helped her reluctantly and then was heading back to the register and she's like 'here i'm done. Ring me up.' I tell her, there are other ppl in line before her and I have to ring them up. She's like 'no.' You are helping me. You ring me up. I repeat myself. She says the same thing. I think it went on like 3 times. She thrusts her credit card in my face with her stupid stuff and I stomp off to the registers. I dont look at her and just ring. I eventually had to talk to the butthead, but then she kept bugging me about calling the other store and she'll check back...blah blah blah. I'm like if I have time...SHe's pretty much like "do it." WHATEVER. So i ring her up, the next lady in line comes and I just roll my eyes. She said something, but was understanding. The ppl in the store were sorta complaining about her. Ugh it's so hard to keep your cool. I hate getting yelled at ...well I know no one does, but I felt so defenseless b/c I can't "do" anything. So of course i had to give into the goathead but oh well. The other NICE customers made up for it.
I came home, and actually made my first casserole/dinner today!! I'm so excited! It turned out really well. I made cheesy tuna noodle casserole. MMM soo good. Then I watched Gilmore Girls and went online.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

It's the weekend (which is now almost over). So far it's been pretty good. Friday I went to class, ate lunch with Yonn & Salim. (He made me the Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights cd! yey I'm so excited!! I love it!) Then Yonn & I had our Gender & Com test. Luckily my teacher is nice and put a lot of extra credit on the test! Plus I turned in a paper for 8 pts e.c. so hopefully that helps. I think I did okay, but I can say that and get it back and do horrible. Who knows? Then I drove to work straight from CSU and worked 2:30-7 b/c someone called off so I got an extra hour in! When I got off work I had a note on my car. I never get notes on my car so I was REALLY excited. I opened it up, and it was from a guy who I used to go to elementary-middle-high school with!! He saw me earlier (and apparently my car) and left me a hello note. I've left notes on friends cars before, and of course it's always fun to get one every once in awhile! Then I went to Brett's house and we hung out and watched the movie "Holes." It's such a cute movie. I hadn't seen it before. It's a Disney movie, but a good one! I enjoyed it. Then we were entertained by his lil brother (who came in with his furry ear flap hat and scooter lol).
Saturday I worked 11-4. From 11-12 it wasn't too bad, but after 12, look out!! SHESH. I was so tired by the time 3 -4 came around. There were so many people and it seemed like it was holiday season or something. I don't know where all of these people came from. It was insane! Once again, very needy people! I think my arms are sore today from lifting jeans lol . Good workout I guess. Another funny thing is, when the people who put things out from the fitting room come in on Saturdays, who do they come to to ask where things go?? ME! I guess I seem like the person who knows where everything is. This new guy even knew to come to me which was the weirdest thing. Dalia (a lady I work with) brought in some of her cards she designed. They are sooo cute. Some cute little Halloween ones. :) I want to get some! After work, I came home, washed my car, put on the Cleve. State decal, and went online for awhile. I also listed my old cell phone on ebay. I hope it sells!!! Plus I got a plane ticket to fly out to Missouri Nov 10-13 to see all of my best buds at school. I can't wait!!! :)
Today, got up and went to church. After church I was talking with a couple of people. I hate it when you're talking and someone asks you a question, then the other person you're with blocks you out as your talking to respond. Yeah that happened to me today. I tried talking like 3-4 times to respond to the question and it didn't work. This other person just kept talking on and on....oh who cares about the "little girl." She has nothing good to say. UGH it just makes me so mad I get ignored and that people are so consumed in what they're thinking that they have to blurt it out and not wait until someone else is finished. I guess they're probably not conscious of what they're doing, but yea I am. Just another one of my pet peeves. Besides that, church went well! :) lol
Well I must get going. I need to study for Media Critism for my test tomorrow!