In my world
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Quote of the day from my International Business teacher, "Maybe you're a vegetable. I mean vegetarian." He was talking about a chicken processing plant example then was talking about something else and called people vegetables. BWHAHAHAHA I thought it was funny at least. That class starts at 10 so I got to sleep in a little later today. Went to class in the Business building and i had been there before, but I kinda felt outa place since I'm not a business major, but then I saw this guy from my marketing class and talked to him before my class started. My best friend Elizabeth is in my i.b. class , but she had something going on at work, so she wasn't there :( . We're riding together on Thursday tho! yey! My teacher read some of the stupid crook stories from a calendar that were pretty funny and read some funny stories of different incidents happening to people where they weren't thinking with their heads and ended up dead. Came home after that and ate some left over pizza for lunch. Read a little bit, and went to work till 6:30. It was sooooooooooo slooowwww. My goodness. We got all the hurricane rain and so of course people don't want to go shopping in an outdoor shopping mall. Quite a few did tho. It was kinda fun, but seemed like it went on forever. Elizabeth stopped by to get a couple of things so I got to chat with her. Then after work, came home, ate, and put away my clothes that were all over my floor. Did a little more hw and came on here! Tomorrow is my longer day. whoopee
Monday, August 29, 2005
I'm starting this post going backwards starting from tonight since that's what I remember now. (Got up at 6 am!! yikes!) So I was trying to read for school, but my parents were watching this movie, Winn Dixie and I sorta got caught in it too by the end. It was a cute movie even tho it's a kid's movie. Then at the end my dad was trying to take the DVD out, and I had the remote. I kept on moving the tray in and out. I thought it was quite hilarious. I read a little bit. Before that I was online for a little bit and my dad and I got Domino's favorite!! yummy! OKay I can't talk backwards anymore....
This morning I did get up REALLY REALLY EARLY AT 6 am. It was sooo dark out I couldn't believe it! But before that I did awake at 1 and 4 b/c i was so hot. So I got up and wasnt too happy i was going to school. I got a great parking spot b/c not a lot of ppl take 8 am classes. That's a plus. Saw a guy, Derek, I had a summer class with then a couple of people from other classes who were in various communication classes. That made me feel a little more relaxed. I had a break so went and got a free planner, car air freshner, (which I used, but couldn't stand the smell so on the way home from Domino's i stuck it around my atenna and it kept on flapping. This little viking guy was flying in the wind...he did make it home, then I put him on one of our bushes. He's cute, but can't take his smell) key chain, pencil...from the Business building for welcoming students to their first day. Met a couple of my other buddies in the computer lab. It was nice catching up with them. Then Yahn and I went to our Gender & Com class. After that I met up with my good friend Katie and we chatted until I went to work. I worked 2:30-6 in Kids and Adult. I saw our preachers wife and daughter in kids when I got there. Gracie (daughter is from china) and she's soo cute!!! There were a lot of cute/friendly/talkative kids in there today. I enjoyed asking them questions etc. They were cracking me up! :) Then I came home and the rest is above! School again tomorrow...yippee....only one class tho !!!
p.s. ha during the movie we heard this really loud cricket sound and later my mom found one in the bathroom and took him outside. Now how in the earth did he get inside?? who knows!?
This morning I did get up REALLY REALLY EARLY AT 6 am. It was sooo dark out I couldn't believe it! But before that I did awake at 1 and 4 b/c i was so hot. So I got up and wasnt too happy i was going to school. I got a great parking spot b/c not a lot of ppl take 8 am classes. That's a plus. Saw a guy, Derek, I had a summer class with then a couple of people from other classes who were in various communication classes. That made me feel a little more relaxed. I had a break so went and got a free planner, car air freshner, (which I used, but couldn't stand the smell so on the way home from Domino's i stuck it around my atenna and it kept on flapping. This little viking guy was flying in the wind...he did make it home, then I put him on one of our bushes. He's cute, but can't take his smell) key chain, pencil...from the Business building for welcoming students to their first day. Met a couple of my other buddies in the computer lab. It was nice catching up with them. Then Yahn and I went to our Gender & Com class. After that I met up with my good friend Katie and we chatted until I went to work. I worked 2:30-6 in Kids and Adult. I saw our preachers wife and daughter in kids when I got there. Gracie (daughter is from china) and she's soo cute!!! There were a lot of cute/friendly/talkative kids in there today. I enjoyed asking them questions etc. They were cracking me up! :) Then I came home and the rest is above! School again tomorrow...yippee....only one class tho !!!
p.s. ha during the movie we heard this really loud cricket sound and later my mom found one in the bathroom and took him outside. Now how in the earth did he get inside?? who knows!?
Sunday, August 28, 2005
I've missed a few days I see! Well here's what's been going on. Actually not a whole lot sadly to say. Friday I went to the bank before I worked 2:30-6. It was eh, okay I guess. Oh one funny lady bought something, then after I handed her the bag, she hurried up and stuffed it in her huge purse. I asked her what she was doing (can't remember the exact words), but she said she was hiding it from her husband. Then I asked who paid the bill? She said he did, but she didn't want him to know that night. I thought that was SOOO FUNNY!!! HAHAHAH It totally cracked me up. Went home, ate, talked to Melissa as we said our goodbyes again on the phone. Then I watched some tv and worked on sorta organizing my scrapbook. It's not those cute scrapbooks, but oh well. It's a place for the stuff I want to keep lol. Then went to bed. No one was home or available to do anything, so I was home with the guinea pigs! Saturday, got up early then worked 10-4 all day in adult; We were busy after 12. It was okay. Nothing too exciting happened. Just some lady that was driving me crazy with trying to find her jeans. UGH!! oh well. I lived through it. Then I drove home, got some clothes together to sell to a resale shop, went to the library, grabbed some dvds, went to Plato's Closet to see if they'd buy my clothes and Brett called so we went to Great Northern Mall and walked around for a bit. I didn't buy anything, but had fun looking around. Then we went to another store and Guitar Center. I saw an old friend, Nick and this other kid I used to ride the bus with. Later I saw an old neighbor. Weird, I keep seeing these people I went to school with. Came home and saw my parents who'd been gone since Thurs. They brought me sour gummy bears, a cookie, & some fudge. MMMmmm.
Today, went to Sunday school, came home, ate, took a nap, went to Walmart to get a giftcard for Pastor Kevin & Lindsay and went to their Welcome Party at church. It was cute how it was decorated b/c it was a beach theme. That was fun. Then went to the Emmerlings to hang out and came home to get ready for school tomorrow. Not looking forward to it :( . Better get going so I can get up. Later!!
p.s. Today is my parent's 23rd anniversary!
Today, went to Sunday school, came home, ate, took a nap, went to Walmart to get a giftcard for Pastor Kevin & Lindsay and went to their Welcome Party at church. It was cute how it was decorated b/c it was a beach theme. That was fun. Then went to the Emmerlings to hang out and came home to get ready for school tomorrow. Not looking forward to it :( . Better get going so I can get up. Later!!
p.s. Today is my parent's 23rd anniversary!
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Today I went to the dentist, and NO CAVITIES once again! yeah!!! So happy. Didn't really enjoy all the pricking and poking in my poor gums, but I made it through. The parents left for Amish Country today and so when I came home I cleaned off the table and rearranged some stuff. Ate lunch (had a strawberry shortcake....MMM delicious!) and got ready for work. I worked 5-9 mainly in Kids. Once again we had our lovely "friends" who "bought" some stuff. They "returned" some adult stuff and "bought" kids stuff. GRR. Not sure if they got it from our store or not. Then another couple brought in a bag of stuff without a receipt (surprise, surprise) and was really shopping. Well when it came time to do the return, my manager Juli asked for a picture ID which is standard w/out a receipt and the guy didn't have one. BWHWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAHHAHA . All that hard work FOR NOTHING. Showed him! Well he will know for next time tho. You could tell he was mad. Juli said she could put the stuff on hold for him to come back tomorrow. lol Well one fraudulent return was prevented. Anyways....we got some new stuff in women's and the sweaters are REALLy cute...expensive tho...I'm going to have to wait. I can't keep spending all of my money on clothes. Then I came home and called & talked to Don for a little bit. He's doing good in Missouri. They started classes already. Mine are coming sadly ....ugh.... Watched a little bit of Prime Time and came online. Well I should be going to bed here pretty soon! later~*~
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Fair Day!! YEY!
Today was my last fair day for the season/year. I love the fair as I've mentioned before. So we (my mom & I) got there around 11 I think. Walked around & went into the 4-H rabbit barn then to see the piggys. They smell, but they're cute. Then saw the 4-H goats, then later the commercial rabbit barn. I love the rabbits there! A lot of the momma rabbits had babbies and they were soooooooo cute!! I stuck my fingers through the one cage and a baby rabbit was kissing my fingers. Then I thought at one point I felt teeth, but not hard at all and he kept on kissing me. I LOVE BUNNY KISSES!!! (That's like the only kind of animal kisses I allow). There were a lot of other friendly little rabbits that would let me pet them. Also saw a cute momma guinea pig and her little cute!! Then we made it down to the goat barn and saw Bethany's goats. They were resting tho. Saw photos people took and entered, got some honey sticks...yum, ate bbq chicken, had ice cream (buckeye bits..mmm), and lemonade. We saw quite a few people that we knew too which is always fun. Then we went to Kaufmann's b/c I had to get some powder and my free Clinique gift with purchase. So we're walking back to go towards the exit, and we stop at the Sprint kiosk to look at the phones (even tho we don't have Sprint) and this guy is working there. He of course asks if we have cell phones and a plan. I say yes and he's like, you have your own plan; how old are you? I say "21." He doesn't really believe me I don't think and then my mom asks how old he is...he'll be 20 in 7 days i think he said. So then he's like,"what's your plan & so on and what kind of phone do u have?" I pull out my phone and he takes it to look at it and is like "wow u have an old phone. It doesn't even have color." He puts it in his pocket and is like "oh now u don't have a phone." HA HA SO FUNNY! NOT! Eventually he pulls it out after saying I want my phone back and he flips it open and starts surfing through it and says something about it not saving numbers. I'm like it saves numbers. So he puts his number in, saved under "Eli." WOW WHAT A pick up a girl...nice...(*saying that as sarcastically as I can). HE's like now u have my number and can call. YEAH not on your life buddy! Don't know what he was thinking.UGH such weird things happen to me with odd guys. Plus he had a tongue ring. That's always nice.....Nonetheless...I deleted his longer in my phone :) Came home then went to church.
Service went well. We saw a video the girls 80s workout video that was HILARIOUS!! Great outfits and makeup! WHeW! Then talked with a few people and a bunch of us went to Taco Bell. When we were done it came time to say our goodbyes, then I realized I had to say goodbye to Melissa who is leaving on Saturday for Mt. Vernon. I might see her on Friday, but it's not a guarantee. Before I got up to tell her goodbye, I could feel tears starting to form and she's like, "don't cry." I did pretty well and didn't, but it was sooo sad. She's one of my bestest friends. We are sooo much alike personality wise in how we act around people, how we think, and other experiences. She has a lot of great qualities & characterics and she even inspires me a lot. I love her! We hugged each other like 5 times and said bye. I got in the car and took Audrey home, then after leaving her house, I just lost it. All of my really really close friends are back in school, or are leaving. It hasn't been this hard before I guess. All of us have hung out at least twice a week because of church and are so close. Especially Melissa and I. We call each other and talk etc. I miss my friends so much. I still have a few close friends here, but it's hard. I'm sure I'll be better when I start school Monday. I hope. Another sad sad night. Hopefully Melissa and I can hang out on Friday. We'll see!
At least the fair was fun. Love the cute animals! :)
Today was my last fair day for the season/year. I love the fair as I've mentioned before. So we (my mom & I) got there around 11 I think. Walked around & went into the 4-H rabbit barn then to see the piggys. They smell, but they're cute. Then saw the 4-H goats, then later the commercial rabbit barn. I love the rabbits there! A lot of the momma rabbits had babbies and they were soooooooo cute!! I stuck my fingers through the one cage and a baby rabbit was kissing my fingers. Then I thought at one point I felt teeth, but not hard at all and he kept on kissing me. I LOVE BUNNY KISSES!!! (That's like the only kind of animal kisses I allow). There were a lot of other friendly little rabbits that would let me pet them. Also saw a cute momma guinea pig and her little cute!! Then we made it down to the goat barn and saw Bethany's goats. They were resting tho. Saw photos people took and entered, got some honey sticks...yum, ate bbq chicken, had ice cream (buckeye bits..mmm), and lemonade. We saw quite a few people that we knew too which is always fun. Then we went to Kaufmann's b/c I had to get some powder and my free Clinique gift with purchase. So we're walking back to go towards the exit, and we stop at the Sprint kiosk to look at the phones (even tho we don't have Sprint) and this guy is working there. He of course asks if we have cell phones and a plan. I say yes and he's like, you have your own plan; how old are you? I say "21." He doesn't really believe me I don't think and then my mom asks how old he is...he'll be 20 in 7 days i think he said. So then he's like,"what's your plan & so on and what kind of phone do u have?" I pull out my phone and he takes it to look at it and is like "wow u have an old phone. It doesn't even have color." He puts it in his pocket and is like "oh now u don't have a phone." HA HA SO FUNNY! NOT! Eventually he pulls it out after saying I want my phone back and he flips it open and starts surfing through it and says something about it not saving numbers. I'm like it saves numbers. So he puts his number in, saved under "Eli." WOW WHAT A pick up a girl...nice...(*saying that as sarcastically as I can). HE's like now u have my number and can call. YEAH not on your life buddy! Don't know what he was thinking.UGH such weird things happen to me with odd guys. Plus he had a tongue ring. That's always nice.....Nonetheless...I deleted his longer in my phone :) Came home then went to church.
Service went well. We saw a video the girls 80s workout video that was HILARIOUS!! Great outfits and makeup! WHeW! Then talked with a few people and a bunch of us went to Taco Bell. When we were done it came time to say our goodbyes, then I realized I had to say goodbye to Melissa who is leaving on Saturday for Mt. Vernon. I might see her on Friday, but it's not a guarantee. Before I got up to tell her goodbye, I could feel tears starting to form and she's like, "don't cry." I did pretty well and didn't, but it was sooo sad. She's one of my bestest friends. We are sooo much alike personality wise in how we act around people, how we think, and other experiences. She has a lot of great qualities & characterics and she even inspires me a lot. I love her! We hugged each other like 5 times and said bye. I got in the car and took Audrey home, then after leaving her house, I just lost it. All of my really really close friends are back in school, or are leaving. It hasn't been this hard before I guess. All of us have hung out at least twice a week because of church and are so close. Especially Melissa and I. We call each other and talk etc. I miss my friends so much. I still have a few close friends here, but it's hard. I'm sure I'll be better when I start school Monday. I hope. Another sad sad night. Hopefully Melissa and I can hang out on Friday. We'll see!
At least the fair was fun. Love the cute animals! :)
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
It's Tuesday!!
I had a fun weekend, but it was tiring!! On Sunday I went to Sunday school, church (Melissa's last sun before she goes to college which was pretty sad :( ), then came home and made some melt-in-your-mouth sugar cookies for the leader's meeting. Amanda and George came over before I ate and announced that they were engaged that morning! Exciting ( they already have an apartment together though). Then went to the leader's meeting....then church..and came home and cleaned my room up a little.
Monday I got up kinda earlier than I usually do, and listed some stuff on ebay. I worked 2:30-7:30 in adult. Afterwards I went over to the Dollar's house because Chloe was having some youth people over. We just hung out. They were playing volleyball when I got there, but then the rope holding the net broke so we went in and chatted, ate, or hung out outside. Chloe kept hearing this weird noise outside so about 6 of us or so went across the street (in the dark) through the neighbors yard to see if we could see what it was. Well we couldn't so we went back and later some of them went back over there and Matt & Chloe saw some eyes, then ran. I'm guessing it was some animal, but they don't know what it was. I thought it sounded like a bird or something, but they didn't. Who knows?? Fun night overall. Got to talk with Melissa a little bit too.
Today I cleaned out some more stuff in a cabinet and shredded some papers that were just sitting in the shredder. Worked 2:30-6:15 in adult...Lot of denim again. I was in the fitting room and there were these 2 girls at first at the very far end trying on clothes and I wasn't paying much attention to them. Later they came back and a guy was with them. Well I cleaned out their fitting room, (they did give me some stuff) and found out that they ripped some tags off and a sewn in sensor off. yey so they had to have taken some stuff...I didn't see them but the evidence was there. i told my manager and there's nothing you can really do. She's just like well at least I'll be able to sleep at night. Hopefully they won't. Hope they feel guilty. CRAZY kids!! GRRRR they make me mad! Besides that...the day went okay..Came home and I'll eat in a little bit. Julie just called to say hey. I miss her so much. She's in Missouri sad :( .
I think I'm going to the fair tomorrow. YEY. Can't wait!!
I had a fun weekend, but it was tiring!! On Sunday I went to Sunday school, church (Melissa's last sun before she goes to college which was pretty sad :( ), then came home and made some melt-in-your-mouth sugar cookies for the leader's meeting. Amanda and George came over before I ate and announced that they were engaged that morning! Exciting ( they already have an apartment together though). Then went to the leader's meeting....then church..and came home and cleaned my room up a little.
Monday I got up kinda earlier than I usually do, and listed some stuff on ebay. I worked 2:30-7:30 in adult. Afterwards I went over to the Dollar's house because Chloe was having some youth people over. We just hung out. They were playing volleyball when I got there, but then the rope holding the net broke so we went in and chatted, ate, or hung out outside. Chloe kept hearing this weird noise outside so about 6 of us or so went across the street (in the dark) through the neighbors yard to see if we could see what it was. Well we couldn't so we went back and later some of them went back over there and Matt & Chloe saw some eyes, then ran. I'm guessing it was some animal, but they don't know what it was. I thought it sounded like a bird or something, but they didn't. Who knows?? Fun night overall. Got to talk with Melissa a little bit too.
Today I cleaned out some more stuff in a cabinet and shredded some papers that were just sitting in the shredder. Worked 2:30-6:15 in adult...Lot of denim again. I was in the fitting room and there were these 2 girls at first at the very far end trying on clothes and I wasn't paying much attention to them. Later they came back and a guy was with them. Well I cleaned out their fitting room, (they did give me some stuff) and found out that they ripped some tags off and a sewn in sensor off. yey so they had to have taken some stuff...I didn't see them but the evidence was there. i told my manager and there's nothing you can really do. She's just like well at least I'll be able to sleep at night. Hopefully they won't. Hope they feel guilty. CRAZY kids!! GRRRR they make me mad! Besides that...the day went okay..Came home and I'll eat in a little bit. Julie just called to say hey. I miss her so much. She's in Missouri sad :( .
I think I'm going to the fair tomorrow. YEY. Can't wait!!
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Last night was so much fun spending time with my 3 best friends...Elizabeth, Kim, and Bethany. It had been forever since all 4 of us had been together. Eliz brought some dip for our chips and it was very good. Kim, Doug (Kim's husband) Eliz, & I hung out for a little while, then Kim's mom, sister, and nephew came over for a little while and we chatted. Bethany came over at 9 then we played a couple games. The first one I cant' remember and the other one was called Sequence. Both were fun and competitive. Then we just hung out and talked about 6th, 7th, and 8th grade teachers and told stories about them. hahah great memories.... Came home about 1 am. Earlier I worked 2:30-6, went to H&M for it's first opening day. It was insane crazy. I bought a pair of chandlier earrings for $5. Very cute!! Then went to Marc's to get some Tostitos chips. Eliz picked me up around 7:40 and we went to Kim's.
Today got up at 9:15 and worked 11-4 in Adult. IT was sooooo busy!! I don't know how many pairs of denim I sold either! I kept putting it away in the front, fixing it, sizing it, giving it to people. SHESH! Then I gave Dalia a break in the fitting room and the denim was piled up like 3 feet high!! It was EVERYWHERE! I'm so sick of repeating the same phrase about the promo price too it made my mouth so dry....Ok enough of my complaining. I did have 6 visitors today which made me happy!!! Amanda & George stopped in to see me, Bethany & David, and Leanne & her mom were shopping. :) :) Also saw some other ppl I knew which made it better. Just tiring!! Went to Limited Too and couldn't find my size in this skirt I wanted. I probably was annoying telling them what to do how to find it, but I'm sorry I know how to look for things and they weren't offering it so I was offering it to them. Anyways...they couldn't find my size at 2 other stores so I just didn't get the skirt or shirt that I wanted. I said I'd check back later. Everyone was very nice, but one girl even said she just started a week ago... lol What can you do? So it was pouring out and I ran to my car in the parking garage and got sandals were squishing out water...yeah It was lovely! Drove home scared to DEATH I was going to flood out my car b/c the roads were flooding. I did make it home safely. Then my parents and I went to Amanda's going away party at her parents house and we ate and chatted. Came home and just came on here!
Last night was so much fun spending time with my 3 best friends...Elizabeth, Kim, and Bethany. It had been forever since all 4 of us had been together. Eliz brought some dip for our chips and it was very good. Kim, Doug (Kim's husband) Eliz, & I hung out for a little while, then Kim's mom, sister, and nephew came over for a little while and we chatted. Bethany came over at 9 then we played a couple games. The first one I cant' remember and the other one was called Sequence. Both were fun and competitive. Then we just hung out and talked about 6th, 7th, and 8th grade teachers and told stories about them. hahah great memories.... Came home about 1 am. Earlier I worked 2:30-6, went to H&M for it's first opening day. It was insane crazy. I bought a pair of chandlier earrings for $5. Very cute!! Then went to Marc's to get some Tostitos chips. Eliz picked me up around 7:40 and we went to Kim's.
Today got up at 9:15 and worked 11-4 in Adult. IT was sooooo busy!! I don't know how many pairs of denim I sold either! I kept putting it away in the front, fixing it, sizing it, giving it to people. SHESH! Then I gave Dalia a break in the fitting room and the denim was piled up like 3 feet high!! It was EVERYWHERE! I'm so sick of repeating the same phrase about the promo price too it made my mouth so dry....Ok enough of my complaining. I did have 6 visitors today which made me happy!!! Amanda & George stopped in to see me, Bethany & David, and Leanne & her mom were shopping. :) :) Also saw some other ppl I knew which made it better. Just tiring!! Went to Limited Too and couldn't find my size in this skirt I wanted. I probably was annoying telling them what to do how to find it, but I'm sorry I know how to look for things and they weren't offering it so I was offering it to them. Anyways...they couldn't find my size at 2 other stores so I just didn't get the skirt or shirt that I wanted. I said I'd check back later. Everyone was very nice, but one girl even said she just started a week ago... lol What can you do? So it was pouring out and I ran to my car in the parking garage and got sandals were squishing out water...yeah It was lovely! Drove home scared to DEATH I was going to flood out my car b/c the roads were flooding. I did make it home safely. Then my parents and I went to Amanda's going away party at her parents house and we ate and chatted. Came home and just came on here!
Friday, August 19, 2005
Yesterday wasn't too exciting. I went to Marc's and got some school stuff (folders, pencils, & notebooks) and envelopes to mail off a book I sold. Mailed the book, came home and ate, then cleaned out some more of my room and filed some stuff away. I worked 5-9:30 in Adult and I actually rang the entire time! I was excited. I love ringing. The time goes by a lot faster which makes it fun. Met some funny people. This one guy opened up a Gap card and he was one excited guy to be shopping as opposed to the other guys who usually come in just looking and "don't bother me." Came home and watched Prime Time about dysfunctional families. It just amazes me how people live in the U.S. These 2 girls I think were like 13 and 15 and lived with their mom and their house was a huge mess covered with dirty laundry, dirty dishes, cat stuff, cat smell, and who knows what. They'd litterally be on the floor fighting with their mom and screaming. I honestly don't know how people in their right minds live like that. Then the girls ran away and all this other stuff and wouldn't go to school....shesh....control your girls lady! In the end I think they were doing better getting along.
Today I work 2:30-6 then my 3 best friends (from elementary school) and I are getting together at Kim's house to hang out b/c the 4 of us haven't hung out in FOREVER!!! I MISS THEM!!! I have to get some chips b/c Elizabeth is making some salsa and other dip to bring. MMM I can't wait!! It'll be fun.
Yesterday wasn't too exciting. I went to Marc's and got some school stuff (folders, pencils, & notebooks) and envelopes to mail off a book I sold. Mailed the book, came home and ate, then cleaned out some more of my room and filed some stuff away. I worked 5-9:30 in Adult and I actually rang the entire time! I was excited. I love ringing. The time goes by a lot faster which makes it fun. Met some funny people. This one guy opened up a Gap card and he was one excited guy to be shopping as opposed to the other guys who usually come in just looking and "don't bother me." Came home and watched Prime Time about dysfunctional families. It just amazes me how people live in the U.S. These 2 girls I think were like 13 and 15 and lived with their mom and their house was a huge mess covered with dirty laundry, dirty dishes, cat stuff, cat smell, and who knows what. They'd litterally be on the floor fighting with their mom and screaming. I honestly don't know how people in their right minds live like that. Then the girls ran away and all this other stuff and wouldn't go to school....shesh....control your girls lady! In the end I think they were doing better getting along.
Today I work 2:30-6 then my 3 best friends (from elementary school) and I are getting together at Kim's house to hang out b/c the 4 of us haven't hung out in FOREVER!!! I MISS THEM!!! I have to get some chips b/c Elizabeth is making some salsa and other dip to bring. MMM I can't wait!! It'll be fun.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Sad, Sad day of tearful goodbyes.....
Well this morning I took it easy, slept in, went online for a little bit, got ready, ate lunch (mom made tuna noodle casserole mmm) and then we went to CVS and Crocker Park to shop. I wanted a few things at GapKids b/c we had markdowns last night. I got a pair of jeans (long & lean), a green striped oxford, brown argyle sweater, and a brown cable knit button down sweater w/a hood. (all kids stuff lol). Mom got a tank and sweater. I got Juliette (who's leaving for college) a v-neck shirt. Then we went into Eddie Bauer, and Trader Joes and got some pudding. Came home, wrote my goodbye notes to my buds which was sad. Got ready for church and left. We had a little service in youth and they showed Don & Brett's Speed the Light video (which I taped :) ) and Pastor Kevin gave a little sermon. Then all of us went into the sanctuary to see Taggart get dedicated. Madelyn was so funny..Those 2 1/2 yr olds....going everywhere and anywhere.. Then afterwards hung around P.Paul & Crystal & took some pics. Then finally it came down to saying goodbye. I got 2 hugs out of P.Paul. It's so sad to say goodbye to them again. I really miss them a lot this time. It was so fun having them here for the little time that we had. Then a bunch of us went to this custard place. I got frozen yogurt...Dirt with a gummy worm in it. Very good! After eating our ice cream, a few of us went to Matt's house to watch Top Gun. That was a good movie. I hadn't even seen it before! When it was over we had to say our goodbyes to Greg and Dan. That was very hard & sad. I'm really going to miss them not being here all the time. :( :( All of us are always together at least twice a week or more going out to eat or watching a movie etc. It's going to be tough not being able to hang out with them. I drove Juliette home and that was a tearful goodbye. Then on my way home I was really sad b/c I said goodbye to 7 ppl tonight that I won't see for awhile. Tough times...I'll just have to call and email them. Now Don, Dan, Julie, Greg, Jeff & Hannah, and Danny are gone plus Amanda & George and now Pastor Paul & Crystal again. It's so depressing....At least I still have some of my buds here!
When I came to my street, there were these cones blocking the left side of the street b/c on the right side there are machines that have been sitting there for like 3 weeks. It was the weirdest thing. Nothing was wrong with the road, so I just got out of my car and moved them over to drive through and left them on the side. I'm guessing some stupid little kids did that as a joke. Who knows? Oh well! It was fun hanging out with everyone before they left for college, but very sad. I miss them already.
Well this morning I took it easy, slept in, went online for a little bit, got ready, ate lunch (mom made tuna noodle casserole mmm) and then we went to CVS and Crocker Park to shop. I wanted a few things at GapKids b/c we had markdowns last night. I got a pair of jeans (long & lean), a green striped oxford, brown argyle sweater, and a brown cable knit button down sweater w/a hood. (all kids stuff lol). Mom got a tank and sweater. I got Juliette (who's leaving for college) a v-neck shirt. Then we went into Eddie Bauer, and Trader Joes and got some pudding. Came home, wrote my goodbye notes to my buds which was sad. Got ready for church and left. We had a little service in youth and they showed Don & Brett's Speed the Light video (which I taped :) ) and Pastor Kevin gave a little sermon. Then all of us went into the sanctuary to see Taggart get dedicated. Madelyn was so funny..Those 2 1/2 yr olds....going everywhere and anywhere.. Then afterwards hung around P.Paul & Crystal & took some pics. Then finally it came down to saying goodbye. I got 2 hugs out of P.Paul. It's so sad to say goodbye to them again. I really miss them a lot this time. It was so fun having them here for the little time that we had. Then a bunch of us went to this custard place. I got frozen yogurt...Dirt with a gummy worm in it. Very good! After eating our ice cream, a few of us went to Matt's house to watch Top Gun. That was a good movie. I hadn't even seen it before! When it was over we had to say our goodbyes to Greg and Dan. That was very hard & sad. I'm really going to miss them not being here all the time. :( :( All of us are always together at least twice a week or more going out to eat or watching a movie etc. It's going to be tough not being able to hang out with them. I drove Juliette home and that was a tearful goodbye. Then on my way home I was really sad b/c I said goodbye to 7 ppl tonight that I won't see for awhile. Tough times...I'll just have to call and email them. Now Don, Dan, Julie, Greg, Jeff & Hannah, and Danny are gone plus Amanda & George and now Pastor Paul & Crystal again. It's so depressing....At least I still have some of my buds here!
When I came to my street, there were these cones blocking the left side of the street b/c on the right side there are machines that have been sitting there for like 3 weeks. It was the weirdest thing. Nothing was wrong with the road, so I just got out of my car and moved them over to drive through and left them on the side. I'm guessing some stupid little kids did that as a joke. Who knows? Oh well! It was fun hanging out with everyone before they left for college, but very sad. I miss them already.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
What a day!
Yesterday I cleaned my room up a bit, went to work 2:30-6:30, (stealers came in Kids, but luckily I was in baby when they came so I didn't have to deal with them.) The crazy lady with the 4 kids who she can't control came in tho. Yeah luckily i had other customers to deal with. Her oldest kid was trying to steal little stuff or something b/c Kristine caught him in the act. Then found out Kim called me and I drove back home, ate really quick, then we came back up to Crocker Park b/c she wanted to walk around there (and I wanted to hang out w/her) so that was fun. We just went in a few stores before they closed. Then we walked down to the movie theatre to see Elizabeth working and chatted with her. Came home, made some kettle corn b/c both Kim and I were starving for popcorn from walking up to the movies, and went online. Nothing too exciting!
Today though....let's see. Slept in; got up at 9:30, went online and listed another book to try to sell, ate lunch, and went to work from 2:30 -6:30. I was supposed to work only till 6, but Barb needed me to stay b/c someone called off, so I did. Man, it was CRAZYNESS! Let's see I first started out in baby, went to adult, then back to baby, then to adult i think, then kids, then baby. WHEW! Julie (my other manager) was like, "you're like me going everywhere!" It's fun tho. I love switching stores b/c it makes my day go fast. Plus kids was trashed b/c everyone is shopping for 'back to school ' now. So glad I'm not closing! So then I left at 6:30, picked up Hannah to take to church for Pastor Paul and Crystal's final going away party before they go to India in January. We finally got to see little Taggart and he's really really cute. The one pic is of me and him :). Big guy! It was a nice little party at the church. It's sad for us girls though b/c we keep on remembering the old times with them.....we took pics of all of us tho. Then afterwards a huge group of us youth kids... (& leaders) went to Greg's house to swim (well the guys b/c they all borrowed Greg's shorts lol) and hang out. Us girls just watched, waded our feet and I took pics of us. Ha me, Hannah, Melissa, and Audrey had tons of fun modeling on the diving board and slide being goofy and just messing around. Wow one wild night. My stomach hurts from laughing so hard at all the things we were doing. Plus the guys swimming kept splashing water on us. Audrey and hannah were plotting on throwing me in, even tho I was their ride! HA! those crazy girls! times with Pastor Paul too! I miss was like old times hanging out and all of us together...sniff sniff...It's going to be really sad tomorrow when we say goodbye again. Then I had like 6 ppl altogether in my car on the way back to the church. We made it okay. Tight fit in the back. Then I took a couple of the girls home. Good memories....and a fun night to remember!! :)
Yesterday I cleaned my room up a bit, went to work 2:30-6:30, (stealers came in Kids, but luckily I was in baby when they came so I didn't have to deal with them.) The crazy lady with the 4 kids who she can't control came in tho. Yeah luckily i had other customers to deal with. Her oldest kid was trying to steal little stuff or something b/c Kristine caught him in the act. Then found out Kim called me and I drove back home, ate really quick, then we came back up to Crocker Park b/c she wanted to walk around there (and I wanted to hang out w/her) so that was fun. We just went in a few stores before they closed. Then we walked down to the movie theatre to see Elizabeth working and chatted with her. Came home, made some kettle corn b/c both Kim and I were starving for popcorn from walking up to the movies, and went online. Nothing too exciting!
Today though....let's see. Slept in; got up at 9:30, went online and listed another book to try to sell, ate lunch, and went to work from 2:30 -6:30. I was supposed to work only till 6, but Barb needed me to stay b/c someone called off, so I did. Man, it was CRAZYNESS! Let's see I first started out in baby, went to adult, then back to baby, then to adult i think, then kids, then baby. WHEW! Julie (my other manager) was like, "you're like me going everywhere!" It's fun tho. I love switching stores b/c it makes my day go fast. Plus kids was trashed b/c everyone is shopping for 'back to school ' now. So glad I'm not closing! So then I left at 6:30, picked up Hannah to take to church for Pastor Paul and Crystal's final going away party before they go to India in January. We finally got to see little Taggart and he's really really cute. The one pic is of me and him :). Big guy! It was a nice little party at the church. It's sad for us girls though b/c we keep on remembering the old times with them.....we took pics of all of us tho. Then afterwards a huge group of us youth kids... (& leaders) went to Greg's house to swim (well the guys b/c they all borrowed Greg's shorts lol) and hang out. Us girls just watched, waded our feet and I took pics of us. Ha me, Hannah, Melissa, and Audrey had tons of fun modeling on the diving board and slide being goofy and just messing around. Wow one wild night. My stomach hurts from laughing so hard at all the things we were doing. Plus the guys swimming kept splashing water on us. Audrey and hannah were plotting on throwing me in, even tho I was their ride! HA! those crazy girls! times with Pastor Paul too! I miss was like old times hanging out and all of us together...sniff sniff...It's going to be really sad tomorrow when we say goodbye again. Then I had like 6 ppl altogether in my car on the way back to the church. We made it okay. Tight fit in the back. Then I took a couple of the girls home. Good memories....and a fun night to remember!! :)
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Today woke up really early at 6:30 for a lovely Gap meeting. It was supposed to go form 8-11 but we got out at 9:30 so I just went to church-changed then went to Sunday school, then service after that. We had a dinner for our intern pastor saying thanks for interning and I helped serve the starving people. lol That was fun let me tell you. I pretty much avoided the last 2 tables b/c I know they were going to complain about not getting their food, but there were like probably 200 ppl there?? Estimation...but only a few ppl dishing out the food in the kitchen. Luckily us servers...the youth plus leaders were able to eat first. It was pretty funny..Julie spilled her drink...then hannah's strawberry syrup squirted on the table. GOOD TIMES laughing. Then after all that hard work, came home, napped, went back to Sunday night service, then out w/friends. Melissa and I went to Caribou and I got a french vanilla cappuchino then we met some others at Ben & Jerry's then later at the chinese place and ate outside. Greg and others were cracking me up. He was telling a story how he told P. Kevin about how he was "the man" for fitting 9 junior highers (girls) in his old cadilliac. Well then when PK repeated it , Greg hadn't realized he said junior highers, what he meant was the junior varsity players. hahahaha So funny! Greg driving around w/junior highers...yea right! So we all chatted for awhile, then came home. Nothing else exciting happened today!
Today woke up really early at 6:30 for a lovely Gap meeting. It was supposed to go form 8-11 but we got out at 9:30 so I just went to church-changed then went to Sunday school, then service after that. We had a dinner for our intern pastor saying thanks for interning and I helped serve the starving people. lol That was fun let me tell you. I pretty much avoided the last 2 tables b/c I know they were going to complain about not getting their food, but there were like probably 200 ppl there?? Estimation...but only a few ppl dishing out the food in the kitchen. Luckily us servers...the youth plus leaders were able to eat first. It was pretty funny..Julie spilled her drink...then hannah's strawberry syrup squirted on the table. GOOD TIMES laughing. Then after all that hard work, came home, napped, went back to Sunday night service, then out w/friends. Melissa and I went to Caribou and I got a french vanilla cappuchino then we met some others at Ben & Jerry's then later at the chinese place and ate outside. Greg and others were cracking me up. He was telling a story how he told P. Kevin about how he was "the man" for fitting 9 junior highers (girls) in his old cadilliac. Well then when PK repeated it , Greg hadn't realized he said junior highers, what he meant was the junior varsity players. hahahaha So funny! Greg driving around w/junior highers...yea right! So we all chatted for awhile, then came home. Nothing else exciting happened today!
Busy Day
Today got up, went to work (in adult) and I was ringer for once! YESS! I love ringing people up at the register. It makes my day go a lot faster and it's just fun. I was kinda shocked since I'm usually stuck in the gross front lol. So needless to say I was excited. This one guy customer came up and I was ringing him and he's like you're the person (or girl) who's transferring to CSU, right? I'm like yeah and thinking how in the earth did you remember?? WOW I was really surprised he'd remember. Then he coughed or something and he had smokey smelling stinky breath. Then I told him I did transfer and he's like yeah I think I was out too late last night. I'm like oh that's not good, he's like actually it was fun. He told me about some place downtown. YEAH BUDDY I'll be sure to check that out and GET STUCK with creepy fellows like you. NO THANK YOU! YUCKO! He was gross and ughhhh. Anyways...I won't be going wherever he was talking about. Then picked Juliette up, took her to my house, got ready, and we went to Greg's new house. It's like going to a resort! He has an inground pool, garage, 2-3 storage barns, a huge parking lot, a pond, boy/girl changing rooms, and a pavilion w/picnic tables. It's pretty cool. The pool has a slide and diving board and those were fun. The water was so nice and warm. We all had fun. There was a ton of us there which made it a blast. I know Greg had a fun 20th birthday. Better get going... have a lovely Gap 8 am meeting tomorrow!
Today got up, went to work (in adult) and I was ringer for once! YESS! I love ringing people up at the register. It makes my day go a lot faster and it's just fun. I was kinda shocked since I'm usually stuck in the gross front lol. So needless to say I was excited. This one guy customer came up and I was ringing him and he's like you're the person (or girl) who's transferring to CSU, right? I'm like yeah and thinking how in the earth did you remember?? WOW I was really surprised he'd remember. Then he coughed or something and he had smokey smelling stinky breath. Then I told him I did transfer and he's like yeah I think I was out too late last night. I'm like oh that's not good, he's like actually it was fun. He told me about some place downtown. YEAH BUDDY I'll be sure to check that out and GET STUCK with creepy fellows like you. NO THANK YOU! YUCKO! He was gross and ughhhh. Anyways...I won't be going wherever he was talking about. Then picked Juliette up, took her to my house, got ready, and we went to Greg's new house. It's like going to a resort! He has an inground pool, garage, 2-3 storage barns, a huge parking lot, a pond, boy/girl changing rooms, and a pavilion w/picnic tables. It's pretty cool. The pool has a slide and diving board and those were fun. The water was so nice and warm. We all had fun. There was a ton of us there which made it a blast. I know Greg had a fun 20th birthday. Better get going... have a lovely Gap 8 am meeting tomorrow!
Saturday, August 13, 2005

Me and Melissa at the salon with her straightened hair and my new haircut. (didn't get it cut there!)

Fun Times
A recap of yesterday- I got up kinda early to get my haircut with my beautician, went to Cleveland State to pay my lovely tuition, got book names to look up on the web, came home for a little bit and worked 5-9 in the Adult store. Yeah there was this girl and her mom who came in looking for an outfit for a wedding and I was helping them and the girl was pretty picky and kinda whiney. Then I turned them over to Ember and later she's like, "wasn't she kinda whiney?" I'm like yea actually she was. Later the girl and her mom came back and bought the things I helped them with and when they were walking out of the store, I asked if she had bought the tank I suggested and the girl and her mom never turned around and walked out of the store. No thanks or anything. Then Kristine (mgr.) says in a funny high-pitched voice, "thank you Gap lady. Thanks for helping me tonight. You were so nice...etc.." It was so funny. Some people are just plain RUDE! Oh well...made for a funny story! So when I was in the front, guess who walks in?? My 2 best buds Brett and Don! I love it when I have visitors. I get excited to see happy familiar faces instead of people who don't care to hear that our jeans are 39.95 lol. Well they hadn't seen my haircut, so Brett's like, "you look like a girl in a certain video game." I was like is that good? He said yea. So I guess that's a complement. I never know what those 2 are going to say. It was funny. Then after the crazy night at work I met Brett & Don outside and we went to Mitchell's Ice Cream then to Brett's house to hang out before Don leaves for school. We had a lot of fun just hanging out & relaxing.
Today the youth girls had a young women's retreat and they met at a salon to get their hair and nails done. I was there at 11:30 to meet the girls and to have an adult there. They all looked cute after getting their hair curled or straightened and nails all fancy. In the meantime, they had no where to put their luggage because this is a sleepover event, so I had to put all of their stuff in my car and it looked like I was going on a 3 week vacation by myself. It was soooo funny. My whole car was PACKED. Eventually I unloaded it in a house, but those girl's had a ton of stuff. They still even use Caboodles!! Ha! For one night those girls had tons of So I left and worked 2:30-6 (had 2 ppl open up gapcards- woo hoo) and met up with them and ate. Then we hung out a little bit, drove the girls to Lindsay's apartment and came home and walked around at the N.R. corn festival (which I go to every year or try to!) I saw a few people I went to school with, but my mom and I went kinda late to see a lot of people. Came home and we walked around the block. It's very muggy outside!! Well I better get going to bed. Gotta work tomorrow, then Greg's birthday party! NIGHT!
A recap of yesterday- I got up kinda early to get my haircut with my beautician, went to Cleveland State to pay my lovely tuition, got book names to look up on the web, came home for a little bit and worked 5-9 in the Adult store. Yeah there was this girl and her mom who came in looking for an outfit for a wedding and I was helping them and the girl was pretty picky and kinda whiney. Then I turned them over to Ember and later she's like, "wasn't she kinda whiney?" I'm like yea actually she was. Later the girl and her mom came back and bought the things I helped them with and when they were walking out of the store, I asked if she had bought the tank I suggested and the girl and her mom never turned around and walked out of the store. No thanks or anything. Then Kristine (mgr.) says in a funny high-pitched voice, "thank you Gap lady. Thanks for helping me tonight. You were so nice...etc.." It was so funny. Some people are just plain RUDE! Oh well...made for a funny story! So when I was in the front, guess who walks in?? My 2 best buds Brett and Don! I love it when I have visitors. I get excited to see happy familiar faces instead of people who don't care to hear that our jeans are 39.95 lol. Well they hadn't seen my haircut, so Brett's like, "you look like a girl in a certain video game." I was like is that good? He said yea. So I guess that's a complement. I never know what those 2 are going to say. It was funny. Then after the crazy night at work I met Brett & Don outside and we went to Mitchell's Ice Cream then to Brett's house to hang out before Don leaves for school. We had a lot of fun just hanging out & relaxing.
Today the youth girls had a young women's retreat and they met at a salon to get their hair and nails done. I was there at 11:30 to meet the girls and to have an adult there. They all looked cute after getting their hair curled or straightened and nails all fancy. In the meantime, they had no where to put their luggage because this is a sleepover event, so I had to put all of their stuff in my car and it looked like I was going on a 3 week vacation by myself. It was soooo funny. My whole car was PACKED. Eventually I unloaded it in a house, but those girl's had a ton of stuff. They still even use Caboodles!! Ha! For one night those girls had tons of So I left and worked 2:30-6 (had 2 ppl open up gapcards- woo hoo) and met up with them and ate. Then we hung out a little bit, drove the girls to Lindsay's apartment and came home and walked around at the N.R. corn festival (which I go to every year or try to!) I saw a few people I went to school with, but my mom and I went kinda late to see a lot of people. Came home and we walked around the block. It's very muggy outside!! Well I better get going to bed. Gotta work tomorrow, then Greg's birthday party! NIGHT!
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Fair Days
Yesterday I slept in once again, worked my short shifts b/c they haven't changed my schedule since I've been out from my summer classes, came home, went online, and took a walk with mom. Nothing too exciting happened yesterday. Just another day!
Today my parents and I went to the Cuyahoga County Fair like we do EVERY year. I love the fair. I love seeing (not smelling) all of the animals: cows, oxen (2,200 lb one this year), sheep, goats, pigs, RABBITS, guinea pigs, ducks, geese, turkeys, alpacas, horses, and other miscellaneous animals. They're all so cute! I saw a cute momma guinea pig with 2 new babies who looked exactly like her. I don't think they were even a day old by what the guy there said. (All black except for a little white tuft on their heads). My mom fed a horse a peppemint this man gave her to give to the horse, then the horse (Dusty) wanted more. It was funny. Good day at the fair, except when you go to the fair, you see some interesting people I must say. I don't know what they were thinking when they walked out the door, but oh well I guess they don't really care what they look like! Then when we were getting ready to leave, dad's car wouldn't start so we had to wait for like an hour for the AAA guy to jump start his battery (which luckily worked!). Then I went to church. There weren't a lot of people there, but they're probably on vacation or something. Who knows?
Yesterday I slept in once again, worked my short shifts b/c they haven't changed my schedule since I've been out from my summer classes, came home, went online, and took a walk with mom. Nothing too exciting happened yesterday. Just another day!
Today my parents and I went to the Cuyahoga County Fair like we do EVERY year. I love the fair. I love seeing (not smelling) all of the animals: cows, oxen (2,200 lb one this year), sheep, goats, pigs, RABBITS, guinea pigs, ducks, geese, turkeys, alpacas, horses, and other miscellaneous animals. They're all so cute! I saw a cute momma guinea pig with 2 new babies who looked exactly like her. I don't think they were even a day old by what the guy there said. (All black except for a little white tuft on their heads). My mom fed a horse a peppemint this man gave her to give to the horse, then the horse (Dusty) wanted more. It was funny. Good day at the fair, except when you go to the fair, you see some interesting people I must say. I don't know what they were thinking when they walked out the door, but oh well I guess they don't really care what they look like! Then when we were getting ready to leave, dad's car wouldn't start so we had to wait for like an hour for the AAA guy to jump start his battery (which luckily worked!). Then I went to church. There weren't a lot of people there, but they're probably on vacation or something. Who knows?
Monday, August 08, 2005
So yesterday went to church in the morning and wore my new skirt and a halter top which I didn't think showed a whole lot of my back (not any more than a tank top). Well I was sitting in the pew and this teen, Joey, leans over behind me and says, "You look naked." I was like ahhh! So I quickly put on my sweater. I couldn't believe he said that, but I kinda did think it was funny. oh well!!! Then later that afternoon I finished watching my 'Bandits' movie with Bruce Willis and Billy Bob Thorton in it. Good's pretty funny. Then I met Don and Brett up at the church to go to the Me Without You concert at the Odeon in the Flats in Cleveland. ( I feel like I haven't been to a Sun night church in forever!) So I met them there and guess who ended up driving? yea me! Well see my thinking is that the invitee is the one who drives, but no it must be a guy thing for guys not to plan ahead or something and depend on the girl (they even said they depended on me b/c I'm responsible...shesh I have such a hard job!) lol So I drove down there and we made it okay.(They were VERY NICE and helped me out with gas :) ). The bands (we saw this band called Veda and MWOY) were pretty good. I hate being short tho. Like Brett said, we got the short end of the stick and all the tall ppl are aLWAYS in the front! What can ya do? I guess get a pogo stick? I could see through the crowd of heads and i definitely could hear. Then we left before the other band played & went to Taco Bell. There the guys were cracking up at each other. The things they talk about...I don't know where they get them from...i guess their cartoon shows ie Family Guy etc.. haha. Who knows? They were cracking up about different things and were pretty funny, but I just don't understand them at times. (Goes over my heaad). Well we knew it was time to leave when the lights went out on us, so we left and went home. Altogether it was fun, yet very interesting. Guys think differently than girls THATS FOR SURE!
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Hey! Let's see I left off on what I did on Monday night, so on Tuesday I worked one of my short little shifts again 2:30-6:30 then met up with Brett and Don at the church and we went to Best Buy so they could get their Blindside cd's. We also went to the SCARY mall aka Midway....yeah..I try to stay away from their. There's really not any good stores left except Aeropostale, Victoria's Secret, Kaufmann's, Bath & Body...that's about it! Then we were heading back to the highway when I suggested going to Cascade Park, so we turned around and went there. We drove through the water on a ford ( I think that's what you call it) and also saw cute little baby ducks and teenager ducks with their moms. After that Brett went over to this bush and started picking off these prickly like balls and started throwing them at me and Don. They stick to your shirt, but aren't sticky. So then we all three were throwing them at each other and Brett's like 'they stick really well when they get caught in your hair!' Yeah I experienced that. It was wonderful. So when I was trying to get these things out of my hair ,oh the poor innocent girl was an easier target!!! More were sticking all over me and my hair. LOVELY! So once I got the rats nest out of my hair , I ran up behind Brett and stuck it in his hair to enjoy :). HA! It was fun though! Good times!
Wednesday my parents and I went to Milan, OH to where Thomas Edison was born....yea exciting I must say. We get there and my dad's like (to the lady you pay for tickets) 2 seniors and 1 adult (of course meaning ME) and then the stupid lady is like ,'oh is she 12 AND OVER?' AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH She made me so made!!!!! The age 12 shouldn't have been in her sentence AT ALL! Before this incedent Don's like yeah your age is 12 reversed. Ha thanks! lol UGh from then on that lady wasn't on my good side. Then we continue to look at all this stuff...mainly tons of collections of stuff and we run into this other guide close to my age and through talking she comes to find out I'm a senior in college. She literally looks me up and down twice and is like totally shocked. yeah I fool them all. What a talent I have. After that Bob Evans and tv at home.
Thursday I went to the Schlaks to pick up Jessica and it was SHOPPING DAY! ( A day to relieve all of my stress lol) WE had tons of fun trying on clothes and looking around. I miss here being here :( . Baby Emma is soooo cute too! I love that little girl! ( I'll post a pic!) I worked later that night.
Friday I got up and went to Elizabeth's house and it was the Elizabeth/Elizabeth cooking show! hahah put the 2 eliz's together...yeah you're in for a good time I'll tell ya that for sure! So she needed help cooking some stuff for Eric's brother's inbetween wedding stuff. We made an egg brunch, deviled eggs...ha cut them the short way instead of the long...yeah we're in college...made banana chocolate chip butterscotch muffins, sandwiches, and I think that's it. Just took a long time. I smelled like bacon after we were through lol. GOOD TIMES haha we crack ourselves up b/c we don't know what we're doing sometimes. Then I worked and later Don and I played tennis. I played for the first time since like elementary school. It was fun but I'm outta shape b/c I got tired out fast! Then we got food and had a mini picnic at the park. Later we played basketball and I won at around the world, but lost at a few other games :(. lol
Today I worked and now I'm really really tired out from it. Then went to Jason's grad party and grabbed some food and chatted. We're also watching my aunt and uncle's dog, Sparky, for the weekend so my mom and I took him for a mini walk.
Whewy...this is tiring me out! I'll write more later!
Wednesday my parents and I went to Milan, OH to where Thomas Edison was born....yea exciting I must say. We get there and my dad's like (to the lady you pay for tickets) 2 seniors and 1 adult (of course meaning ME) and then the stupid lady is like ,'oh is she 12 AND OVER?' AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH She made me so made!!!!! The age 12 shouldn't have been in her sentence AT ALL! Before this incedent Don's like yeah your age is 12 reversed. Ha thanks! lol UGh from then on that lady wasn't on my good side. Then we continue to look at all this stuff...mainly tons of collections of stuff and we run into this other guide close to my age and through talking she comes to find out I'm a senior in college. She literally looks me up and down twice and is like totally shocked. yeah I fool them all. What a talent I have. After that Bob Evans and tv at home.
Thursday I went to the Schlaks to pick up Jessica and it was SHOPPING DAY! ( A day to relieve all of my stress lol) WE had tons of fun trying on clothes and looking around. I miss here being here :( . Baby Emma is soooo cute too! I love that little girl! ( I'll post a pic!) I worked later that night.
Friday I got up and went to Elizabeth's house and it was the Elizabeth/Elizabeth cooking show! hahah put the 2 eliz's together...yeah you're in for a good time I'll tell ya that for sure! So she needed help cooking some stuff for Eric's brother's inbetween wedding stuff. We made an egg brunch, deviled eggs...ha cut them the short way instead of the long...yeah we're in college...made banana chocolate chip butterscotch muffins, sandwiches, and I think that's it. Just took a long time. I smelled like bacon after we were through lol. GOOD TIMES haha we crack ourselves up b/c we don't know what we're doing sometimes. Then I worked and later Don and I played tennis. I played for the first time since like elementary school. It was fun but I'm outta shape b/c I got tired out fast! Then we got food and had a mini picnic at the park. Later we played basketball and I won at around the world, but lost at a few other games :(. lol
Today I worked and now I'm really really tired out from it. Then went to Jason's grad party and grabbed some food and chatted. We're also watching my aunt and uncle's dog, Sparky, for the weekend so my mom and I took him for a mini walk.
Whewy...this is tiring me out! I'll write more later!
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
In my world
Hey this weekend was so much fun! Friday I ran around all day..made prints of my digital pictures finally, then at night Brett, Don, and I hung out and went to Hungington Beach and relaxed. Then we went to George and Amanda's going away party. Saturday we met at 9 then went on a train ride at the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad place which was nice and relaxing. Lots of fun! I videotaped a Speed-the-Light video for the guys then we went to see some guys from the youth group play in their band in Lorain, then hung out the rest of the evening. Sunday was church, then went to Kim's mom's retirement party, said goodbye to Amanda and George because they're moving to Pa, then Brett, Don, and I watched The Village. Good movie! Yesterday I worked then Jessica S. and I walked around Crocker Park (along with baby Emma) and got cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory! Delicious! I got Chocolate Peanutbutter cookie dough.mmmm I had to bring some home!! SOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!! Expensive tho! OH well...seems like it's worth it hahah. Fun weekend I must say!
Hey this weekend was so much fun! Friday I ran around all day..made prints of my digital pictures finally, then at night Brett, Don, and I hung out and went to Hungington Beach and relaxed. Then we went to George and Amanda's going away party. Saturday we met at 9 then went on a train ride at the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad place which was nice and relaxing. Lots of fun! I videotaped a Speed-the-Light video for the guys then we went to see some guys from the youth group play in their band in Lorain, then hung out the rest of the evening. Sunday was church, then went to Kim's mom's retirement party, said goodbye to Amanda and George because they're moving to Pa, then Brett, Don, and I watched The Village. Good movie! Yesterday I worked then Jessica S. and I walked around Crocker Park (along with baby Emma) and got cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory! Delicious! I got Chocolate Peanutbutter cookie dough.mmmm I had to bring some home!! SOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!! Expensive tho! OH well...seems like it's worth it hahah. Fun weekend I must say!